1 I used to watch a lot of TV, but now I don't.
Раньше я много смотрел телевизор, но теперь не смотрю.
2 Sam's living with his sister until he finds a house.
Сэм живет со своей сестрой, пока не найдет дом.
3 Did you use to fight with your brothers and sisters when you were young? - Дрались вы со своими братьями и сестрами, когда были маленькими?
4 She is doing the washing-up at the moment.
В данный момент она моет посуду.
5 I usually eat out on Friday nights.
Я обычно ужинаю не дома по пятницам вечером.
6 I'm going to visit my uncle in Spain.
Я собираюсь навестить своего дядю в Испании.
7 Eric goes jogging every morning before work.
Эрик каждое утро перед работой бегает трусцой.
8 What is Tim doing this Monday, Sally?
Что делает Тим в этот понедельник, Салли?
9 Chopin published his first composition when he was only 7 years old.
Шопен опубликовал свое первое сочинение, когда ему было всего 7 лет.
10 When did Queen Victoria die? - Когда умерла королева Виктория?
1 We don't go out a lot. We prefer to relax at home.
Мы не часто выходим куда-нибудь. Мы предпочитаем отдыхать дома.
2 I am meeting Sophie for coffee in an hour. Why don't you come too?
Я встречаюсь с Софи за чашечкой кофе через час. Почему бы тебе тоже не пойти?
3 Did you do your science homework last night, Kim?
Ты сделала домашнее задание по естествознанию вчера вечером, Ким?
4 Simon is not watching TV. He's in his room.
Саймон не смотрит телевизор. Он в своей комнате.
5 Dad washes the car every Sunday morning.
Папа моет машину каждое воскресное утро.
I was very frantic when my mother asked me to go to the bank yesterday morning. When I finally came at 9 o’clock I noticed in edifice, queerly looking, young man wearing sun-glasses and having a big bag. I thought that it is strange that he wear sun-glasses in a building, but then I ignored that.
Suddenly this man took out from his bag a handgun and lead barrel on manager of this bank. Perpetrator ordered him to put one million dollars to his bag, but manager did not listen to him. He started to run away and delinquent shoot him in shoulder. I run to see if he is being alive. Fortunately he was only grazed. Some elderly woman lost consciousness, and somebody catch her when she started to falling down. The perpetrator with his partners set about doing a robbery from the safe and only two of them stayed with hostages. I seized an opportunity and called the police. After 10 minutes when they wanted to shoot somebody the police finally came.
It turned out that this criminals were demandable all over the Europe. The Police took them to the prison. Everybody was still terrified.
`Are you ready yet?' `Not yet. I will be ready in five minutes.'
I think we will win the game.
`It's very warm in the room.' `Shall I open the window?'
Will you stay at home tomorrow evening?