Dear John, The holidays are over and I am back home. The weather was cold and rainy.I was in the country in August with my parents. We went there by car. I played a lot of games there. Did you enjoy your holidays? Love,( your name)
Наши уроки начинаются в 9 часов утра. Но мы приходим в школьный двор пораньше. Моя сестра сказала " Доброе утро" каждому во дворе. Когда мы пришли в класс, учительница сказала: " Джек отсутствует. Поэтому твоя сестра может сесть за его парту". Моя сестра ничего не сказала. Она смотрела и смотрела. Она смотрела на доску и на картины на стене. Дети окрыли свои рюкзаки и взяли ручки и тетради. Моя сестра окрыла свой рюкзак тоже. Она достала свою ручку и свою тетрадь. Затем учительница называла все имена детей. И дети отвечали: " Здесь". Но она не назвала имя моей сестры , потому что она не была ученицей. Тогда моя непослушная маленькая сестра встала и сказала: " Я тоже хочу подарок". Все засмеялись. Затем учительница дала ей немного пластилина. Моя маленькая сестра зделала красный цветок, и учительница сказала что он очень красивый.
1) What are you doing here now? - We are listening to tape-recordings. 2) D you want to see my father?-Yes, I do. 3) Michael knows German rather well. He wants to know English, too, but he has little time for it now. 4) What magazine are you reading? - It is a French magazine. There is good articles on sport here. Are you interested in sports? - Yes, I am. But I do not know French. 5) We are having an English lesson now. 6) Does Lena usually prepare her homework at the institute? - No, she doesn't. As a rule, she works at home.- And what is she writing now? - Oh, she is writing an article for our wall newspaper. 7) Who is that man who is standing in the doorway? - Do you not recognize him? It is John, my cousin. 8) I have no time now,I am having dinner. 9) Does your family leave St. Petersburg in summer? - Yes, we always go to the sea-side. We all like the sea. Mother stays with us to the end of August, but father returns much earlier
The holidays are over and I am back home.
The weather was cold and rainy.I was in the country in August with my parents. We went there by car. I played a lot of games there.
Did you enjoy your holidays?
Love,( your name)