1) If you are in debt and don’t pay your debts before New Year’s Day, you will be in debts all the year (если ты взял в долг и не отдал свои долги до Нового года, то ты будешь должен весь год)
2) Unlucky to walk underneath a ladder. Ходить под лестницей — к неудаче.
3) Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. Если небо красное ночью дождя не будет, если утром – будет. (примета у моряков)
4) A horseshoe over the door brings good luck. But the horseshoe needs to be the right way up. The luck runs out of the horseshoe if it is upside down. Если хотите, чтобы в вашем доме было всё хорошо, повесьте подкову над дверью. Однако, помните, что подкову надо повесить правильно, иначе удачи не видать!
5) Bride and groom must not meet on the day of the wedding except at the altar. Жених и невеста не должны видеться до свадьбы.
6) Breaking a mirror will result in seven years of bad luck. Разбить зеркало - к семи годам несчастья.
7) Cut your hair when the moon is waxing and you will have good luck. Если хотите привлечь удачу, стригитесь только на растущую луну.
8) Knocking on the wood would bring good luck. Постучать по дереву привлечь удачу (европ. суеверие).
9) the number four is a sign of bad luck. (Китай - не очень популярно, но некоторые верят, что число 4 плохое, т.к. похоже на слово смерть в китайском).
10) Yellow flowers symbolize separation, infidelity, or death. (рус.) Желтые цветы к расставанию.
1. We will be here for a week and have not met any interesting people yet. 2. How long will you stay here? - Tomorrow we will be here for a week. 3. As soon as I find out any traces of it, I will inform you. 4. He passes his exams only at the end of this week. 5. When we pass all our exams, we will have a party. 6. It is said that they will bring our tickets by that time. 7. Let's talk about it when I watch the movie myself. 8. I wonder if they will complete the repair by the end of the season. 9. Will an airplane arrive from Paris? “No, but they will announce when it lands.” 10. I wonder if they can clean our apartment before the arrival of guests? 11. By the end of the week the ship before calling at the three ports of the Mediterranean. 12. If snowfall does not stop tomorrow morning, we will not reach their place by the end of the day. 13. You will understand what is family life, only after you live together for several years. 14. I am not sure that they will receive our telegram by the time we arrive there.