1 He is a photographer. He takes photos every day. He has taken photos since he was 18. He isn't taking photos now.
2 He is a footballer player. He plays football every day. He has been playing football for 8 years. He isn't playing football now.
3 She is a singer. She sings songs at concert every day. She isn’t singing a song now.
4. She is a dancer. She dances at the theatre every day. She has danced since she was 6. She isn't dancing now.
5. He is a writer. He writes books every day. Now he isn’t/ is working on the last book. He has been writing books for many years.
2. a very violent wind in the form of a tall wide pipe of air that spins at a great speed; -- tornado
3. a very high, quickly travelling sea wave caused by an undersea earthquake or similar disturbance; -- tsunami
4. a mountain with a crater at the top, through which lava, steam gases, etc. sometimes escape with explosive force; -- volcano
5. an overflow of water; a large amount of water covering a place that is usually dry; -- Flood
6. a long period of time when there is no rain and crops die. -- drought