The story is a monologue of the inhabitant of the mines settlement Angels Kemp (English) Simon Wheeler, who remembers one of the local eccentrics called Smiley. Most of all he loved to make a bet; The reason for the dispute could be horse racing, street dogs, cats or roosters, even the appearance of birds on the fence - which of them will fly away before.
Smiley had a mare who was often sick. However, during the horse races she was given the excitement of the owner, and she often bypassed the favorites, earning prizes. Similarly behaved Smiley Bulldog: this frail-looking dog in front of his eyes changed, if he saw that at the end of the money.
Once Smiley decided to fill up his home zoo with a frog named Daniel Webster. For three months he was engaged in her education: he taught to turn in the air, catch flies, jump in length. The frog was his pride; bringing her to the city, the owner directly on the streets made a bet, then demonstrated the amazing skills of his amphibian and always won.
The problem occurred when a newcomer appeared in the village. Seeing the frog in the cage, he started a conversation with Smiley, who could not miss the chance and put forty dollars to the fact that his python would be able to ride any frog in Calaveras. The stranger arranged the terms of the dispute; However, the matter was complicated by the lack of competition. Then Smiley, entrusting the cage to the guest, ran to the swamp to catch the second - unreassed - frog. During his absence, the stranger opened his mouth to Daniel Webster and stuffed it with quail beads.
When the match began, it became clear that Smiley's ward could not move. Her swamp rival easily won the race, the stranger took forty dollars, and the bewildered bettor lifted his apprentice and found that she weighs at least five pounds. Realizing that he was taken around his finger, the hero rushed to catch up with the unknown, but he had already disappeared.
Шейла что пригласила меня на ланч. Джордж: Всегда О, я люблю это место. Шейла: Я тоже. Где меню? Я действительно голоден. Джордж: Теперь официант приносит его, смотри! Официант: Вот вам, сэр. Джордж Хм, я хочу жаркое из говядины. Шейла: Серьезно? Но у вас обычно есть пряный жареный цыпленок. Джордж: Ну, сегодня я пытаюсь что-то изменить. А как насчет вас? Вы хотите стейк филе с взбитыми грибами? Тебе всегда это нравится. Шейла: Нет, сегодня у меня есть салат для повара. Я на диете. Официант: Вы готовы заказать, сэр? Джордж: Да нам нужен салат шеф-повара и жареная говядина. Официант: Хочешь что-нибудь выпить? Джордж: Можно мне стакан минеральной воды Шейла: А можно мне колу Официант: Стакан минеральной воды и кола
Spasibo, chto priglasila menya na lanch. Dzhordzh: Vsegda pozhaluysta. O, ya lyublyu eto mesto. Sheyla: YA tozhe. Gde menyu? YA deystvitel'no goloden. Dzhordzh: Teper' ofitsiant prinosit yego, smotri! Ofitsiant: Vot vam, ser. Dzhordzh: Spasibo. Khm, ya khochu zharkoye iz govyadiny. Sheyla: Ser'yezno? No u vas obychno yest' pryanyy zharenyy tsyplenok. Dzhordzh: Nu, segodnya ya pytayus' chto-to izmenit'. A kak naschet vas? Vy khotite steyk file s vzbitymi gribami? Tebe vsegda eto nravitsya. Sheyla: Net, segodnya u menya yest' salat dlya povara. YA na diyete. Ofitsiant: Vy gotovy zakazat', ser? Dzhordzh: Da. Pozhaluysta, nam nuzhen salat shef-povara i zharenaya govyadina. Ofitsiant: Khochesh' chto-nibud' vypit'? Dzhordzh: Mozhno mne stakan mineral'noy vody, pozhaluysta? Sheyla: A mozhno mne kolu, pozhaluysta? Ofitsiant: Stakan mineral'noy vody i kola ... Spasibo.
Smiley had a mare who was often sick. However, during the horse races she was given the excitement of the owner, and she often bypassed the favorites, earning prizes. Similarly behaved Smiley Bulldog: this frail-looking dog in front of his eyes changed, if he saw that at the end of the money.
Once Smiley decided to fill up his home zoo with a frog named Daniel Webster. For three months he was engaged in her education: he taught to turn in the air, catch flies, jump in length. The frog was his pride; bringing her to the city, the owner directly on the streets made a bet, then demonstrated the amazing skills of his amphibian and always won.
The problem occurred when a newcomer appeared in the village. Seeing the frog in the cage, he started a conversation with Smiley, who could not miss the chance and put forty dollars to the fact that his python would be able to ride any frog in Calaveras. The stranger arranged the terms of the dispute; However, the matter was complicated by the lack of competition. Then Smiley, entrusting the cage to the guest, ran to the swamp to catch the second - unreassed - frog. During his absence, the stranger opened his mouth to Daniel Webster and stuffed it with quail beads.
When the match began, it became clear that Smiley's ward could not move. Her swamp rival easily won the race, the stranger took forty dollars, and the bewildered bettor lifted his apprentice and found that she weighs at least five pounds. Realizing that he was taken around his finger, the hero rushed to catch up with the unknown, but he had already disappeared.