Дорогая Салли, Каникулы закончились и я возвращаюсь домой. Погода была жаркой и солнечной. Я была на море с моими родителями в июле. Мы отправились туда на самолёте. Я многое там видела. Ты насладилась своими каникулами? Люблю, Нэлли.
Есть еще один вариант ответа: If Peter HAD COME to my place, we WOULD HAVE GONE to play in the yard. If Peter HADN'T COME to my place, I WOULD HAVE WATCHED TV. If Frank’s parents HAD HAD their holidays in summer, they WOULD HAVE GONE to the seaside. If they HAD HAD their holidays in winter, they WOULD HAVE STAYED at home. If the fog HAD THICKENED, Harold WOULD HAVE PUT UP the tent for the night. When I HAD FINISH my work, I WENT to the cinema. We BOUGHT this book as soon as our mother HAD GIVEN us some money. When we HAD COME to your place you SHOWED us your present. I HAD RETURNED you your ring when you ASKED me. I HAD WAITED for my friend until he CAME from the shop. My father HAD STARTED writing before the sun ROSE. As soon as you HAD FINISH your study I PRESENTED you with a new flat.
There are tons of websites on the Internet nowadays, which offer a wide range of possibilities. As an advanced user I check out dozens of sites every day. For example, if I want to listen to music, I open online radio sites. When I want to watch a film or a cartoon, I open online cinema sites. When I want to chat with friends, I use instant messengers or social networks. Sometime I use skype to video call my distant pals or relatives. However, my favourite website is YouTube, because I can watch or download any types of video there. I can also share my favourite videos with the rest of the world. Everybody knows that it is the most popular video site in the world. I like it for three reasons. Firstly, I can listen to the music that I like on this site and watch the video clips of the new songs. Secondly, I can find almost every new movie or cartoon there. Thirdly, on YouTube I see the latest news that happened around the world. In fact, in my free time I play in a music band, which was set by my friends. I play the drums, while my friends play the double bass and the guitar. People, who saw and heard our performance, say that we play good rock music. I often download the videos of our performance to YouTube and we get lots of positive feedback. In my opinion, this site has many advantages. One of them is that I can find the videos on any given topic: about pets, about sports, about cars, etc. The only disadvantage is the limit set on the length of videos. According to YouTube rules, the videos must be no longer than fifteen minutes.
Каникулы закончились и я возвращаюсь домой. Погода была жаркой и солнечной. Я была на море с моими родителями в июле. Мы отправились туда на самолёте. Я многое там видела. Ты насладилась своими каникулами?