ответ:1. leave dirty dishes in the sink, the top off the toothpaste — оставлять грязную посуду в раковине, тюбик с зубной пастой открытым
2. spend ages in the bathroom, on the phone – проводить кучу времени в ванной, на телефоне
3. talk to yourself, behind someone’s back – говорить с самим собой, за чьей-то спиной
4. take things without asking, people for granted — брать вещи, не спрашивая, принимать людей как должное
5. lose things, your temper — терять вещи, потерять самообладание
6. fiddle with your hair, your jewellery – вертеть волосы, украшения в руках
7. drum your fingers on the table — барабанить пальцами по столу
Do you have any of these habits? — У вас есть какие-то из этих привычек?
Which do you find annoying/rude/unpleasant/ endearing? — Что вы считаете раздражающим / грубым / неприятным / милым?
What other habits like this can you think of? — О каких других привычках вы можете подумать?
Объяснение: Вот
Объяснение:I regret being late for the job interview.2 I remember meeting my English teacher.3 she went on talking about her deseases until everyone fell asleep. 5 I regret to say to you that you haven't passed the exam. 4 remember to clean your room.6 I forgot to buy some soap. 8 stop smoking and take up doing sport 7 he will never forget meeting the queen. 9 we stopped having a rest. 10.he didnt mean to offer you. 11.a moving means spending a lot of money.12.remember to take John from the train station. 13.she stopped talking about her problems and started cleaning the room.14 I tried sending flowers, writing letters, giving beautiful presents to her but she didnt forgive me.15 try to pass the exam.it is easy.