1) "I love London" T-shirt (Футболка "Я Люблю Лондон")
2) Bowler hat (Шляпа Котелок)
3) Umbrella "British Flag" (Зонтик "Британский Флаг)
4) Picture Of Tower Bridge (Картина с Тауэрским мостом)
5) Reusable shopping Bag "I love London" (Многоразовая сумка "Я Люблю Лондон"
6) Sunglasses and regular glasses (Солнцезащитные очки и обычные очки)
7) Wrist watch (Наручные очки)
8) Cup "I love London" (Кружка "Я Люблю Лондон")
9) Map Of London (Карта Лондона)
10) Trinkets (Брелки)
11)Postcards from London (Открытки из Лондона)
12)British flag (Британский флаг)
I have a bank account
I save an environment
Factory waste has polluted the sea
Water and soil pollution is а very big problem
Put all of your money in solar power and retire when you are 80
Dark clouds have gathered after a spell of sunshine
I’m generous
We have already released toxic fumes
We leave
Watching live
We leave
Make out
Make up
Make up with
Have been wearing
Has been playing
Have been reading
Have you been waiting
Have been trying
Grandad has been watching for 2 hours
My brother has been playing football since morning
Steve has been sleeping for 10 hours
I have been waiting
We have been reading book in the evening
She has been tidying her room
They have been recycling the cans