1. There (to be) a good film on TV last night.
2. There (to be) 24 hours in a day.
3. There (to be) a party at the club last Friday, but I didn't go.
4. “Where can I buy a newspaper?” “There (to be) a shop at the end of the street.”
5. “Why are those policemen outside the bank?” “There (to be) a robbery.”
6. When we arrived at the theatre, there (to be) a long queue outside.
7. When you arrive tomorrow, there (to be) somebody at the station to meet you.
will be
8. Ten years ago there (to be) 500 children at the school.
9. I think everything will be OK. I don't think there (to be) any problems.
will be
10. There (to be) no money for a new car some years ago.
1. I go to the city once a week. - Я выхожу в город раз в неделю.
2. You play the guitar very well. - Вы очень хорошо играете на гитаре.
3. She never visits me. - Она никогда не посещает меня.
4. Tom always finds new ways to do things. - Том всегда находит новые делать вещи.
6. Ann wants to speak. - Энн хочет говорить.
7. Toronto is in Canada. - Торонто это Канада.
8. Cars have wheels. - У машин есть колеса.
9. My mother has a big house. - У моей мамы большой дом.
10. We play a lot. - Мы много играем.
11. They sell fruit and eggs. - Они продают фрукты и яйца.
12. The building is on fire. - Это здание горит.
13. Marta seems sad. - Марта кажется грустной.
14. I usually help my neighbors. - Я обычно своим соседям.
15. His brother rarely leaves town. - Его брат редко покидает город.
2. Distaff - прялка
3. Cloudy - облачный
4. Belfast - Белфаст
5. Child - ребёнок (дитя)
6. Arrest - арест
7. Sunny - солнечный
8. London - Лондон
9. Parlour - кабинет
10. As - в виде (как - наречие)
11. Windy - ветреный
12. Edingburgh - Эдинбург
13. Unfriendly - недружелюбный
14. Unrifled - не нарезной
15. Mirror - зеркало
16. Rainy - дождливый
17. Famous - знаменитый
18. Bath - ванна
19. Snowy - снежный
20. Shower - душ
21. Floor - пол