Did you play football yesterday? Did you watch the film yesterday? Did you help your mother at the kitchen yesterday? Did you visit your grandparents yesterday? Did you phone me yesterday?
We live in Our town is not very large, but it is nice. There are buses and cars in the streets. We live at 78, Central Street. Our street is long and there are many trees in it. In spring and in summer the trees are green. There is a garden in front of our house. In the garden there are trees, and red, blue and yellow flowers. I like the garden. In the evening I go to the garden, sit on a bench and read a book. In the afternoon after classes I play with my friends in our yard. Our yard is very large. My friends live in Central Street too, but they do not live in our house. Our house is Number 78, my friends live at Number 82(перевод)Мы живем в Наш город не очень большой, но он хороший. На улицах есть автобусы и машины. Мы живем в доме 78 на Центральной улице. Наша улица длинная и на ней много деревьев. Весной и летом деревья зеленые. Перед нашим домом сад. В саду есть деревья и красные, синие и желтые цветы. Мне нравится сад. Вечером я иду в сад, сажусь на скамейку и читаю книжку. Днем после учебы я играю с моими друзьями во дворе. Наш двор очень большой. Мои друзья тоже живут на Центральной улице, но они живут не в нашем доме. Наш дом номер 78, мои друзья живут в доме номер 82.(может как нибудь такой образец мне
What will occur? Write down.Example: You and your friends received the invitation from English students. You visit Great Britain. - We are going to visit Great Britain1) Linda has a toothache. She looks round at the stomatologist. -2) group of boys decided to arrange picnic. They want to have a good time. -3) Andrey has younger sister. But his parents are occupied today. It remained with the sister. -4) with days off. It, with solar and warm. We went on foot park. -5) The British students would like to arrive to Russia in October. We invited them. -
Did you watch the film yesterday?
Did you help your mother at the kitchen yesterday?
Did you visit your grandparents yesterday?
Did you phone me yesterday?