When you are shopping online. first you go to the website. The first time you use a site you usually have to create an account, where you give your personal details. You then choose what you want to buy, and click on each item. If you are buying clothes, make sure you get the right size! Everything you buy goes into your shopping bag or basket, usually at the top right of the page. When you are ready to pay you click on proceed to checkout. You then have to give your delivery address where you want them to send your things, and give your payment details, for example your credit card number and expiry date. Many people today also buy and sell things online at auction sites like eBay.
i swim
you swim
he/she/it swims
we swim
you swim
they swim
present continuous
i am swimming
you are swimming
he/she/it is swimming
we are swimming
you are swimming
they are swimming
simple past
i swam
you swam
he/she/it swam
we swam
you swam
they swam
past continuous
i was swimming
you were swimming
he/she/it was swimming
we were swimming
you were swimming
the were swimming