William Shakespeare is probably the most famous playwright of all time. It is therefore quite surprising that little is 1known about his life. There is a period between 1586 and 1592 2 which is a complete mystery even today. Was he a teacher in Wales, a travelling actor or perhaps a spy 3 all/during these years? A new Spanish film, Miguel and William, may 4 add another theory to the existing ones. The film-makers are suggesting, that Shakespeare spent this time in Spain with Miguel Cervantes, author of the famous novel Don Quixote. And there seems to be some evidence for this. Both men 5 had left their wives at that period and the film offers a romantic reason too – a Spanish actress 6 named Leonor that both men are believed to be in love.
1. The clock hangs on the wall, above the table. 2. He has played Hamlet on the stage many times. 3. The bank is between the post-office and the beauty salon. 4. The ball has rolled under the bed. 5. Bob and Jane were sitting in the cafe in front of each other. 6. The gym is next to my college. 7. The monument is on the right. 8. The office address is at the top of the page. 9. He spends all his life at work. 10. The kettle is boiling in the kitchen. 1. Часы висит на стене, над столом. 2. Он играл Гамлета на сцене много раз. 3. Банк между почтой и салоном красоты. 4. Мяч закатился под кровать. 5. Боб и Джейн сидели в кафе напротив друг друга. 6. Тренажерный зал рядом с моим колледжем. 7. Памятник находится справа. 8. Адрес офиса в верхней части страницы. 9. Он проводит всю свою жизнь на работе. 10. На кухне кипит чайник.
He learned French language. - Past Simple.