A. На кухне можно:
1. Готовить еду
2. Есть еду
3. Мыть посуду
4. Наводить порядок
B. На кухне нельзя
1. Играть с острыми предметами (например, ножами)
2. Бегать
3. Трогать горячую плиту или посуду
4. Класть в микроволновку металлические предметы типа ложки
A. In the kitchen you can...
1. Cook food
2. Eat food
3. Wash the dishes
4. Tidy up
B. In the kitchen you mustn't...
1. Play with sharp objects (for example, knives)
2. Run
3. Touch the hot stove or hot pans and pots
4. Put metal objects such as a spoon in the microwave oven
1. We (were sure) they (were talking) about her, because they (broke off) as soon as she (had entered).
2. No wonder she (was) very tired. She (had walked) three miles.
3. Mother (said) that she (had been looking) for him two hours.
4. It (was) the song he had never (heard) before
5. He (had been writing) the article ever since she (came) from the University.
6. She (was) sixteen and had just (come) back from the college for the holiday.
7. The British Museum (was built) many years ago
8. It (had been snowing) heavily since yesterday evening and mother (did not allow) us to play in the yard.
9. When he ( woke up) it (was) late morning.
10. Ann (said) she (had got) three letters from Dmitry the day before.