The English have given (Present Perfect Active) the world the system of English law that has (Present Simple Active) its origins in Anglo-Saxon times. Two of its hallmarks are (Present Simple Active) its preference for customary law (the common law), and its system of application by locally appointed part-time magistrates, by locally chosen juries, and by the travelling judges going from one county town to another on circuit. Other aspects of the English law are (Present Simple Active) the fundamental assumption that an accused person is deemed (Present Simple Passive) innocent until proved guilty and the independence of the judiciary from intervention by crown or government in the judicial process. The legal system is divided (Present Simple Passive) into civil and criminal courts. The House of Lords is (Present Simple Active) the ultimate court of appeal for both civil and criminal cases. At the base of the criminal court system, the magistrates’ courts try (Present Simple Active) more than 97 percent of the criminal cases. More serious criminal cases then go (Present Simple Active) to the Crown Court, which has (Present Simple Active) 90 branches in different towns and cities. In 1971 the Crown Courts replaced (Past Simple Active) the individual courts, and it is (Present Simple Active) now a single court that may sit (Present Simple Active) anywhere in England, deal with (Present Simple Active) any trial on indictment, and hear (Present Simple Active) appeals and proceedings either on a sentence or on civil matters. Civil cases are dealt with (Present Simple Passive) in County courts. Certain cases may be referred (Present Simple Passive) to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. The legal system of Great Britain also includes (Present Simple Active) juvenile courts which deal with (Present Simple Active) offenders under seventeen, and coroners’ courts which investigate (Present Simple Active) violent or unnatural death. Tribunals deal with (Present Simple Active) professional standards, disputes between individuals, and between individuals and government departments.
The ideal temperature of the air for good health - 16-18 degrees. At this temperature a person does not feel cold and not «dying» from the heat. When the temperature reaches 8-10 degrees in the day, you may receive an Allergy, even in those who have it will not suffered. Try in this case, excluded from the diet of citrus fruits, red wine and spices. The sharp cooling increases the risk of heart attack, exacerbates the inflammation of the bronchial tubes and lungs. So dress warmer, even if in the street the sun.
There are so many kinds of music in our life. For example, rap and pop music, rock and alternative music, industrial and disco music, drum & bass and techno music, and, of course, classic music. Different people like different music. The scientists say that they can define your character if they know what music you like. For example, they suppose that people who listen rock music are very clever and reasonable. British scientists confirm that the most of young people listen to the aggressive music as metal and rock. Scientists say that these people are good students, because of their character and assiduousness. I agreewith this statement, because I think that music shows your soul and nature.
As for me, my favorite group is "Linkin Park". They sing in different styles, such as: alternative, new metal, heavy metal and rock. I like this group because of good texts and unusual musical decisions. This group was formed in 1996. They released 9 albums. I like all their songs without distinction. My favorite song is “In The End”. There are six men in this group: Chester Bennington, Mike Shinoda, Rob Burdon, David Farell, Bred Delson and Joe Hahn. The most prominent person of the group is Chester Bennington. He is very talented. Also I like him because he overcame his drug addiction and made his musical career. Nowadays he is taken the 27th place in the hit parade list of “100 of all times top heavy metal vocalists”. He writes poems and composes music.
I always adored people who compose music and write poems. I think that such people are very talented. Also I believe that they can draw pictures and show their feelings by their music or poems. They can make you cry or laugh. Moreover they make you think about global problems or you may lie soft and just dream while you are listening to the music.
I guess that we can’t live without music. My motto is: “Silence is killing!” As for me, I always listen to the music, when I’m happy or when I’m unhappy. It helps me in my everyday life. I listen to the music everywhere: at home, in the bus, in the street.
Nowadays we have relaxing music, which we use in medicine. More helpful than all kinds of music is classic music by such famous composers as Bach, Beethoven, Mozart and Vivaldy.
Music is everywhere! It’s on television, over radio, in all movies! Can you imagine any movie without music?! Of course not. What if you watch television without sound, what if you see ballet without music, what if you hear voices without melody at the opera? Our life will be boring without music.