A: What an awful day today! I hate it when it rains. B: So do I. Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow? A: No change for the better. Cold and rainy in the morning and windy in the afternoon. Перевод: A: Что за ужасный день сегодня! Я ненавижу, когда идёт дождь. B: И я. Вы знаете прогноз погоды на завтра? A: Никакой перемены к лучшему. Холодно и дождливо утром и ветрено после полудня.
Ваш Английский друг заинтересован в вашей жизни. Он хочет знать, что вы обычно делаете утром, днем, вечером. Заполнить таблицу. Эти слова могут вам. Играйте в шахматы, вставайте, отправляйтесь в бассейн, чистите зубы, одевайтесь, гуляйте по дому, принимайте душ, смотрите телевизор, завтракаете, отправляйтесь на стадион, делайте упражнения, мойте руки и лицо, Ходить в школу, пообедать, почитать книги, поужинать, прийти домой, пообедать, сделать домашнее задание и ложиться спать. утром после обеда вечером. (ПЕРЕВОД)
At A Restaurant I enjoy eating out. We often go to a restaurant with my parents. It usually happens at weekend or Friday evenings, when everybody is free from work and studies. My mum likes Italian food: pasta with different sauces, pizza, lasagne and other national dishes. My father prefers eastern cuisine. His favourite dish is grilled meat with vegetables. As for me, I’m a fan of sushi and fast food. As you see our tastes differ. That’s why we choose to go to various restaurants. For example, last week, we went to the nearest sushi-bar. We had a great time there. First of all, the atmosphere in the restaurant was nice. There were black square tables and lots of Japanese national ornaments. We chose the table next to the window. The waiters were also very kind and welcoming. My parents don’t like Japanese food much, so they ordered simply some salads and fried chicken wings. Luckily, they don’t serve only national food in this restaurant. I ordered a portion of traditional rolls and a cup green tea. Everything was rather delicious. My parents tried a small piece of my rolls and said they weren’t bad. We asked the waiter to bring us the bill and left after paying. It was an excellent evening. Sometimes I eat out with my friends. We usually go to a fast food place. There is a large shopping center not far from my house and we often go there. When we get hungry, we go to the ground floor where many fast food restaurants are situated. There we usually have a sandwich or a portion of pancakes with a glass of juice.
B: So do I. Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow?
A: No change for the better. Cold and rainy in the morning and windy in the afternoon.
A: Что за ужасный день сегодня! Я ненавижу, когда идёт дождь.
B: И я. Вы знаете прогноз погоды на завтра?
A: Никакой перемены к лучшему. Холодно и дождливо утром и ветрено после полудня.