7. my friend (install) a new program tonight? 8. the coffee (taste) good. 9. you (hang) out at the medieval castle every summer? 10. look! they (ride) on a carousel поставить в present simple или в present continuous
Who invented the telephone in 1876? What did Alexander Graham bell invent in 1876? 2 Whose invention do we use nowadays? For what do we use Bell`s invention nowadays? 3 What is more complax version of the two-way radio? 4 Who began experimentin with the idea of usin a number of radio masts to pickup signals from two-way radios in the 1940s? 5 Who moved far away from one mast and the next mast picked up the signal? What did the next mast pick up when a caller moved too far away from one mast? 6 Where did the mobile phone quickly become synonymous with the "yuppie"? What is the "yuppie"? What did the new breed young urban professionals carry as status symbols? 7 What will become more and more advanced? 8 What do mobile phones with broadband internet access allow us? 9 Where do we live?
I picked the reddest apple from the tree,It was the finest one that I could see. I saved it all except a bite or twoJust for you! I carried home the groceries from the store.I wanted to be helpful with the chore.I put them all away except a fewJust for you! Someday I'll be grown up, too.And if I can, I'll grow up just like you. I ate up all my lunch just like you saidBut I think there was a little too much bread,And so I left the crusts when I was throughJust for you!Однажды в саду я увидела лучшее яблоко в миреКрасивый прекрасный плод, как заря.И только разок или два я его откусилаВсю сладость оставила лишь для тебя. Когда в магазин я однажды ходила,То все, что купила, купила любя.Я съела всего лишь пачку пастилыВсе остальное – лишь для тебя. Я съела ту кашу, что так не любилаОставив в тарелке две ложки, тая.Я съела всю кашу, ведь ты так просила.Но эти две ложки лишь для тебя.
объяснение: 7)install 8)tasted 9)hang 10)riding или rideing(забыл)