1. Mother cooks chicken soup for dinner, doesn't she? (Разделительный вопрос)
Does mother cook chicken soup for dinner? (Общий вопрос)
Does mother cook chicken soup for dinner or for lunch? (Альтернативный вопрос)
Who cooks chicken soup for dinner? (Вопрос к подлежащему)
What does mother cook for dinner? (Специальный вопрос - начинается со специального вопросительного слова)
2. I like vegetable, don't I?
Do I like vegetables?
Do I like vegetables or fruits?
What do I like?
Who likes vegetables?
3. They go shopping in the afternoon, don't they?
Do they go shopping in the afternoon?
Do they go shopping or swimming in the afternoon?
Who goes shopping in the afternoon?
When do they go shopping?
4. He buys a new car, doesn't he?
Does he buy a new car?
Does he buy a new car or a bike?
What does he buy?
Who buys a new car?
5. The children eat ice cream for dessert, don't they?
Do the children eat ice cream for dessert?
Do the children eat ice cream or fruit for dessert?
What do the children eat for dessert?
Who eats ice cream for dessert?
2)It seems a foolish decision now.Сейчас это кажется глупым решением.
3)He heard footsteps on the porch. Он услышал шаги на веранде.
4)The policeman handcuffed me.Милиционер надел на меня наручники.
5)The football match is starting now.Начинается футбольный матч.
6)First I thought for me to become a good novelist was impossibleВначале я думала, что хорошим романистом я никогда не стану.
7)I didn't notice any smoke.Я не заметил никакого дыма.
8)He just added oil.Он только добавлял масло в огонь.
9)Her clothes are so old-fashioned! Она одевается так старомодно!
10)That rusty, old tetanus bucket...Это старое ржавое сито, источник столбняка.
11)She's quite a light sleeper. Она довольно чутко спит.
12)I should warn you. I hate to wait. Мне следует вас предупредить: я терпеть не могу ждать.
13)She had a gold watch on her wrist. У неё были золотые часы на запястье.
14)We just need to strike another match to light the fuse.Мы должны только поднести спичку и зажечь фитиль.