1. The night was [as black as coal]
2. Her hateful eyes were [as cold as ice]
3. Without my glasses, I am [as blind as a bat]
4. Her face has become [as white as snow]
5. The bicycle looks heavy, but it feels [as light as a feather]
6. On the first day of his vacation, the boy felt [as free as a bird]
7. My computer is very fast at times, and at other times [as slow as a snail]
8. When I was a child, a man of seventy seemed to me to be [//]
9. After using our body lotion, your skin is guaranteed to feel [as smooth as silk]
В 8 нет подходящего варианта, можно, конечно, использовать конструкцию "as changeable as weather" (переменчивый, как погода), которая не была использована, ведь каждый сравнивает так, как ему хочется, но, по моему мнению, звучит это нелепо: Когда я был ребенком, люди 70-ти лет казались мне переменчивыми, как погода. Звучит не логично, поэтому такое сравнение использовать я бы не стала.
1. I am going to do my homework
What are you going to do on Sunday?
My friends going to come
Is your teacher going to buy a car?
When are we going to leave?
It is going to rain
Is her brother going to play?
Where are your parents going to travel?
She is going to set the table.
2.She is not going to sleep.
I am not going to eat some chips.
My mum is not going to cook.
The children are not going to play.
You are not going to go home.
The cat is not going to run.
It is not going to snow.
We are not going to make the beds.
John is not going to cry.
3. 1 F
2 I
3 G
4 B
5 J
6 C
7 D
8 E
9 H
10 A
Вэлл, лэтс гоу энд си!
Экскьюз ми, вэа ис зэ энимал хоспитал?
Итс ин бридж стрит.
Анкл Хэрри! Кам он ин!
Зис ис фифи! Щи нидс эн инджекшн! О, щи ис со кьют!
Вэа ис Чакэлс? Ай донт ноу!
Зэа хи ис! Бихаинд зэ кётн! Итс окей, Чакэлс! Ю донт нид эн инджекшн!