Да, у каждого своя профессия, верно ?! У меня также есть профессия мечты ... Это быть врачом ... Я хочу быть врачом с детства. Мои родители против этой профессии. С одной стороны, я хочу быть программистом. Потому что это профессия, которая понадобится в будущем. Это специально для меня в трех специальностях.
1.Where is (be) Susan? – She is working (work) in the library at the moment. She will stop (stop) working in an hour.
2.What were children doing (do) when you came (come) home yesterday? - They were playing (play) in their room.
3.At two o’clock tomorrow we will be taking (take) our French lesson.
4.He spent (spend) last week in a hospital. He was (be) ill.
5.Why didn't you put (not to put) your coat on yesterday? It (be) was cold.
6.My husband is (be) in his room now. He is sitting (sit) in the armchair and reading (read) an interesting book. I want to (want) read this book, too.
7.When I looked (look) out of the window, I saw (see) that it was snowing (snow) and everything was (be) covered with snow.
8.As a rule he translated (translate) two articles a week. But he translated (translate) three articles last week.
9.Why didn't he go (not to go) to the University yesterday? – He was (be) ill. He was staying (stay) in bed the whole day.
10. is Somebody talking (talk) in the text room? – No, nobody is talking (talk). My son is watching (watch) television now.
11.Yesterday, when he opened (open) the door, he (understand) understood that he had done (do) it with a wrong key.
12.Yesterday it was (be) a typical summer day, the sun was beating (to beat) down, the sky was (be) cloudless.
13.Why are they sitting (sit) here now? – They are waiting (wait) for their doctor. The doctor (be) is late.
14.We are waiting (wait) for them at two o’clock tomorrow. We are (be) sure they will (come) in time.
15.If she doesn't come (not to come) tomorrow, ring her up.
1. Today, Jerome is predominantly seen as a humorist.
2. Even in his later works the comedy was often accompanied by dreamy or almost philosophical passages where sorrow does plays its part.
3. Jerome’s most favourite and inspirational author was Dickens.
4. This inspiration is obvious from the themes of Jerome’s short stories, where the main protagonists are often people of the lower classes and suffer from the effects of hard labour.
5. Given the conditions in which he grew up, Jerome’s interest in the lower classes like that of Dickens seems natural.
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