a) 1. The region around the Great Lakes has changeable weather. has - Present Indefinite Active Voice Регион вокруг Великих озер имеет переменчивую погоду 2. The congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. consists - Present Indefinite Active Voice Конгресс состоит из Сената и Палаты представителей. 3. The country had developed this industry before the war began. had developed - Past Perfect Active Voice began - Past Indefinite Active Voice Страна начала развивать эту отрасль до начала войны.
b) 1. The capital of the country, Washington, was named in honour of the first President,George Washington. was named - Past Indefinite Passive Voice Столица страны, Вашингтон, был назван в честь Первого Президента,Джорджа Вашингтона 2. The USA is washed by the Pacific Ocean. is washed - Present Indefinite Passive Voice США омывают воды Тихого океана 3. He will be elected for four years. will be elected - Future Indefinite Passive Voice Он будет избираться на четыре года.
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