If you are angry ang get suspicious you can feel sad, but think of the best day in your life and you'll ecome happy/ Поскольку написано придумать ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ, то я и придумал одно, использовав все слова. Но если с каждым нужно було отдельно, то: 1. I don't like the game Angry birds. 2. Our granddad is rather suspicious - he knows we dream of adventures. 3. Uncle Tom Cabin is a very sad book. 4. We.re going to the sea and I'm very happy. Название книги из 3-го предложения "Хижина дяди Тома", если не читал
Я постараюсь ответить. Love is a feeling. A more specific delineation of that feeling cannot be given so simply & easily. People may say that they love food, love traveling, love toys or love dancing. I do believe that our strongest positive feelings about objects & activities contain many of the same elements found in all forms of love. Love of country or community adds elements of loyalty, pride of membership or common cause. Love for animals, co-workers, children, friends and non-spousal family members add elements of personal relationship and reciprocity of feeling. I am choosing to focus my attention on what is usually called romantic love — the main subject of a significant portion of popular music. Love is not a habit or a duty. But when commitments have been made and/or expectations are high, the consequences of not expressing love, whether heartfelt or not, can be fearsome. When one is aware that it would be painful for the beloved to not hear words of love, habits seem a safe recourse. The ego is very much involved in romantic love. Lack of self-worth may turn love into an unexpressed secret when there is fear of possible non-reciprocation. Loving another person can make us intensely sensitive to the regard with which we are held in the eyes of our beloved. When love is expressed but love (or respect) is not reciprocated — or not reciprocated enough — it is the ego that hurts.
Поскольку написано придумать ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ, то я и придумал одно, использовав все слова. Но если с каждым нужно було отдельно, то:
1. I don't like the game Angry birds. 2. Our granddad is rather suspicious - he knows we dream of adventures. 3. Uncle Tom Cabin is a very sad book. 4. We.re going to the sea and I'm very happy.
Название книги из 3-го предложения "Хижина дяди Тома", если не читал