2. Each doctor has his consulting hours. If а person is unwell he goes to his district therapeutist, calls a doctor in or may get medical aid at the place of his work. When a patient comes to a doctor the doctor asks him about his complaints, feels his pulse, listens to his heart and lungs, examines his throat, palpates his abdomen. The nurse takes the patient's temperature, measures his blood pressure. All the data of physical examination are written down in the patient's card.
2 There are a few traits I’d call important, but I think this one tops all: Humanity. A good doctor should be approachable. The patient and their relatives should feel comfortable and relax to ask any doubts. He should explain what the illness is and what procedure they are going to follow so that the patient can prepare mentally. He should be honest but in careful ways, for example, he must not hide what the fate of the patient is, instead tell them in a soft manner without breaking their hopes.He must trust his own self and abilities enough that when truly unsure about something, he must kindly accept it and suggest some other experienced doctors instead of risking the patient’s life. A good doctor always makes sure to give more than just the ‘treatment’ i.e. to give advice on preventive measures, extra tips or emergency tablets, etc.
1)When did John wake up?
John didn't wake up at a quarter to seven.
2) Where did she go yesterday?
She didn't go to the library yesterday.
3) When did he begin to work?
He didn't begin to work at nine sharp
4) Was he in France last year?
He wasn't in France last year
5) Did he take his children to the zoo?
He didn't take his children to the zoo
6) Was Mary a good student?
Mary wasn't a good student
7) When did they see new film?
They didn't see new film
8) When did they have breakfast?
They didn't have breakfast before they went out
9) What did his wife cook for breakfast?
His wife didn't cook some scones for breakfast
10) Were people of Pine Cleaning proud of their school?
The people of Pine Clearing weren't proud of their school
11) What did your mother buy?
My mother didn't buy some vegetables for super
12) Did they have problems with their son?
They didn't have a lot of problems with their son
Однажды человек, который делал шапки, пошел на рынок, чтобы продать их. Это был долгий путь. Человек шел мимо длинной реки. Когда он вошел в лес, то решил немного отдохнуть, так как день был очень жарким, и мужчина очень устал.
Мужчина увидел большое дерево. Он решил отдохнуть под ним.
Поскольку солнце было очень жарким, человек надел одну из шапок на голову и положил все остальные на землю под деревом. Мужчина поел, затем лег и вскоре уснул. Когда он проснулся, он не мог найти шапки.
"Где мои шапки?" воскликнул он. Он нигде не мог их найти.
Вдруг он поднял голову. И что он увидел? Он увидел множество обезьян на дереве, и у каждой обезьяны на голове была шапка!
"Верните мне мои шапки!" крикнул мужчина. Но обезьяны не понимали его. Они смеялись, прыгали и играли с шапками.
Человек просил и просил обезьян вернуть ему шапки, но обезьяны его не понимали. Они только смеялись.
Человек очень разозлился на обезьян. Он снял шапку, бросил ее на землю и закричал: «Если вы хотите мои шапки, можете взять и эту!»
И знаете, что сделали обезьяны? Они сняли шапки и побросали их на землю!
Вот так мужчина вернул все свои шапки.
Конечно, он был очень рад. Он быстро подобрал все свои шапки и ушел.