1. All preparations being made, we went on an excursion. (the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction = независимый причастный оборот) - Когда все приготовления были сделаны, мы отправились на экскурсию.
2. I expect you to be on time. (Complex Object = объектный инфинитивный оборот, сложное дополнение) - Я жду, что ты придешь вовремя.
3. He is said to learn foreign languages quickly. (Complex Subject = субъектный инфинитивный оборот, сложное подлежащее) - Говорят, что он быстро учит иностранные языки.
2. He is a … person who likes being around people. (CHARMING)
3. He enjoys doing many … things. (INTERESTING)
4. Matthew has … reading without his glasses. (DIFFICULTY)
5. Sharon showed her … by moving into her own flat. (INDEPENDENCE)
6. All toys should be checked for … (SAFETY).
7. The weather is hot and … (SUNNY).
8. There is a restaurant on the campsite which serves very … food (TASTY).
9. Are you an … person? (ADVENTUROUS)
10. We offer you an opportunity to see animals in their … habitat in the heart of Africa (NATURAL).