1 A: Have you already got Julia a birthday present?
B: Yes, I bought it yesterday.
2 A: Have you ever attended the Water Festival?
B: Yes, I went in 2010.
3 A: Ann's dress has looked nice on her!
B: Yes, it did. She sent me a photo of it last week.
4 A: Has Mike come back yet?
B : No, he only left an hour ago!
5 A: Have you ever seen a fireworks display?
B: Yes, I saw one in London last year.
Present Perfect - это настоящее совершенное время. Оно обозначает действие, которое завершилось в настоящий момент времени.
Past Simple - время используется для обозначения действия, которое произошло в определенное время в и время совершения которого уже истекло.
wassup Denis
Hello Anya
How are you?
I'm fine, how are you?
The same, I'm great.
How many people does your family consist of?
Three, mum, dad and me.
What about you?
Four, me, my mum, my brother and my dad.
What's your dad's name?
My name is Sergei.
What about yours?
How old is your brother?
My brother will be 16 soon.
Listen, are you going somewhere this summer with your family? Like the seaside?
No, but I'd like to. What about you?
Yes, with my family, we're going to America!
Wow, that's really cool. Will you bring me something?
Sure, souvenirs.
Ok, I have to go, see you soon Denis
You too, Anya
The children had been walking for 2 hours before granny called them.