Magical land - название One summer evening my aunt Natasha and I were sitting on the veranda of the cottage and admiring the sunset. This picture I want to watch endlessly. Sleepy, tired sun lazily bows to the horizon, illuminating the sky with the last remnants of its light. Its red-orange rays on the clouds depict whimsical figures. This show is very beautiful, fascinating. When I look at the sunset, I dream, I fantasize. I want to climb high,high and be in a fairyland, where there are unusual adventures.
Natasha was also silent and thought about her own. And suddenly she asked:
"Have you ever held a star in your hand?"
I was surprised:
Is that possible?
Aunt smiled and answered:
"Yes, there are places on earth where miracles happen. Do you want me to tell you about a wonderful place where I was lucky enough to visit?
- Of course! – I was glad, knowing that Natasha is a great storyteller.
"Far away from here is a magical land where the sky is low and the earth is high. And it is called Pamir. It's not like here: you can touch the clouds with your hands, snow and heat do not interfere with each other, and the water is beating furiously and rushing down. Just imagine: you are at an altitude of just over four thousand meters. Around you can be seen sticking out of the clouds icy tips of the mountain peaks. Silence. Below, far away in the valley, a narrow river murmurs, and under your feet snow, white and clean. But the sun's rays do not allow to freeze. The silent mystery, the dazzling light of the sun on the dark blue sky create a completely unearthly atmosphere. And you begin to feel as if detached from all life, which remained somewhere far below. This is the roof of the World. Your soul, as if waking up, looks at the world in a different way, you begin to see everything in new colors, smell, feel the movement of the air... And now you see off the sun, sinking behind the peak of the mountain top, which leaves a pale gold crown in the lilac clouds. Another moment, and around you – black velvet. No, it seems that you are covered with a plush, soft blanket, which is embroidered with a pattern of living, bright, colorful stars. The stars are near, they pulsate. You breathe in the air, and you have a feeling of flight, as in a dream. A man who once spread his wings, will never be able to forget this heady feeling of Freedom. And it's worth living for! You feel like a different, happy person, and there is a desire to come back here again and again.
инглэнд уан Өаузэнд найн ханд:эд фо:ти Ө:и Энтони П:эт инвентс Клюдо энд хис уайф десайнс Өэ бо:д. Уэдингтон Геймс байс Өэ айдия, :елэйзэ:с Өэ гейм ин уан Өаузэнд найн ханд:эд фо:ти найн энд ит бикамс э г:эт саксэс. Өэ эйм оф Өэ гейм ис ту файнд аут Өэ идэнтити оф Өэ киле: оф Докто: Блэк, Өэ мю:дэ: уипон энд Өэ сцэн оф Өэ к:им. Ин о:дэ: ту ду Өэт, плэйе:с мув э:аунд Өэ хаус энд аск Өэ аӨэ: плэйе:с куэшонс. Өэ фё:ст плэйе: ту солв Өэ к:им уинс.
Ню Йо:к уан Өаузэнд найн хандрэд Өё:ти Ө:и. Альф:эд Батс нотисэс хау популя: к:осуо:д пазлс а: энд камс ап уиӨ Өэ айдия оф Ск:эбл.
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