If they planned the robbery better, they would succeed.
If the police acted more quickly, they would prevent the robbery.
If he didn't drive so fast, he wouldn't have an accident.
The crime rate wouldn't increase if the last government's policy was more efficient.
The police wouldn't catch him if he didn't leave his fingerprints on the door.
If the police didn't act decisively, the criminal would escape.
if the police acted decisively, the criminal wouldn't escape.
If the police didn't apologize, Mr. Weskley wouldn't be satisfied.
If the robber forgot to take a map, he would get lost.
If the thief didn't run fast, the police would catch him.
If the court released the prisoner early, he would injure two police officers.
Ex.3 - не точно
1. If the man gave them a packet of sweets to eat during the journey, they would start fighting and one of the children would begin to choke on the sweets.
2. If the child couldn't breath and was in difficulties, the driver would turn round to help and would lose control of the car.
3. If it crashed into a group of people sitting at tables outside a cafe, five people would be injured, two seriously.
1 egg, plus 2 extra egg whites
300 ml warm milk
10 g sugar
10 g yeast
225 g flour
vegetable oil for frying
butter for greasing blini
Method of Preparation:
1. To make a paste mix the yeast, milk, flour and sugar and egg yolk together in a large bowl.
2. Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl until they form stiff peaks, then put them into the paste. Cover the bowl and set aside at room temperature for 20 — 30 minutes.
3. Heat a frying pan until medium hot, add a little vegetable oil and middle ladle of the blini mixture.
4. Cook the blini first on one side until golden-brown then turn it over and bake the other side then put blini onto a large flat plate and grease it with butter. Repeat with the remaining batter and keep the blini warm until ready to serve
1 яйцо, плюс 2 белка
300 мл теплого молока
10 г сахара
10 г дрожжей
225 г муки
растительное масло для жарки
сливочное масло для смазки блинов
1. Чтобы сделать опару смешайте дрожжи, молоко, муку, сахар, и яичный желток в большой миске.
2. Взбейте яичные белки в отдельной миске, пока не образуются жесткие пики, затем выложите их в дрожжевую смесь. Накройте миску и отставьте в сторону при комнатной температуре на 20 — 30 минут.
3. Нагрейте сковороду до средней температуры, добавьте немного растительного масла, налейте средний половник блинной смеси.
4. Поджарьте блины сначала с одной стороны стороны до золотисто — коричневого цвета, затем переверните и выпекайте другую сторону, затем выложите на большую плоскую тарелку и смажьте сливочным маслом. Повторите с оставшимся тестом. Держите блины теплыми до сервировки.