We walk through the park every day. (walked)
2. He is a good student . (was)
3. He drinks coffee with all his meals. (drank )
4. They come to school by bus. (came)
5. He needs a new suit. (needed)
6. He talks to us in English. (talked)
7. We are good friends. (were)
8. He has many friends here.(had)
9. They have a new car. (had)
10.She and I are students in the same class. (were)
11.She speaks Spanish well. (spoke)
12.He reads the newspaper at breakfast. (read)
13.I buy all my clothes in that store. (bought)
14.He smokes a lot. (smoke)
15.We learn many new words. (learned)
16.The teacher asks us many questions.(asked)
17.Our lesson ends at two o`clock. (ended)
18.The weather is good. (was)
19.Both windows are closed(were)
20.There is nobody at home. (was)
21.He follows his brother everywhere. (followed)
22.At the end of the school year, I sell all my books. (sold)
23.I understand him well. (understood)
B. Past tense 2: question form.
Change to the question form.
1. He spoke to me about it yesterday. Did he speak …
2. She waited for us on the corner. Did she wait …
3. They wrote him several letters. did they write…
4. The bus stopped on this corner. did the bus stop…
5. They had dinner with us last night. did they have …
6. She wanted to go with us. did she want…
7. He preferred to stay at home.did he prefer …
8. Monica knew him very well. did she know …
9. You got up very early this morning.did you get up …
10.They came to school by bus. did they come…
11.Julio read about the accident in the newspaper last night.did Julio read …
12.They lived near us. did they live …
13.She spoke to them in Spanish. did she speak …
14.We walked together for a long time. did we walk…
15.He bought his car in Europe. did he buy …
16.She put on her hat and coat. did she put…
17.It rained very hard last night. did it rain …
18.He arrived late for the lesson. did he arrive…
19.She wrote him a letter from New York. did she write …
20.We ate dinner in a restaurant last night. did we eat…
21.They sat near her at the play. did she sit …
Прости, но я не могу ответить на остальное. Я не так уж знаю предлоги (prepositions)
Каждый год
Каждый год двенадцатого апреля жители всех стран мира отмечают
День космонавтики. Эта дата была установлена после по-
лёта в космос первого космонавта Земли — Юрия Алексе-
евича Гагарина.
Впервые в мире космический корабль с человеком на
борту ворвался в просторы вселенной с космодрома Бай-
Коныр. Этот полёт длился сто восемь минут. Корабль за это время
выполнил один оборот вокруг Земли. Юрий Гагарин обле-
тел нашу планету и увидел, как она прекрасна.
Этот полёт навсегда изменил жизнь людей и открыл до-
рогу в космос. А Юрий Гагарин стал одним из самых знаме-
нитых людей в мире. Его именем названы города, улицы,
кратер“ на Луне и даже малая планета.
(Атлас Земли. ЭКСМО, две тысячи двенадцатый)
No one can tell me,
Nobody knows,
Where the wind came from,
Where the wind goes.
It's flying from somewhere
As fast as it can,
I couldn't keep up with it,
Not if I ran.(Я не мог бы угнаться за ним, даже если б бежал.)
But if I stopped holding
The string of my kite,
It would blow with the wind
For a day and a night.
And then when I found it,
Wherever it blew,
I should know that the wind
Had been going there too.
So then I could tell them
Where the wind goes...
But where the wind comes from
Nobody knows.