I came back from school yesterday afternoon. The first thing I saw was your letter. I was happy! I'm sorry to hear that you're sick. Take care of yourself. When - just think about it - In about two weeks, school will be over, and you will come to see us. let's have fun together! We'll talk for hours again, just like in the good old days. When you arrive, we plan to take you to Nalinak Beach. I know you'll like it. We'll go swimming, and then, maybe, we'll run back and forth on the beach. You told me that you had always wanted to spend a weekend at a seaside resort. Remember, you will need a strong body for swimming and running.
Dear Christine,
Thank you for your letter, it was the first thing I saw after I came home from school. I was exstatic, it both surprised me and made me happy. I'm always glad to receive news from you.
I'm really sorry that you had to go to the hospital, breaking your leg is serious. I hope you will take the time you need. Yes, school is over in three months, but I could help you move around when summer comes, we still can have a lot of fun even if you're not able to walk. We could go to our favorite place by train and bus, it's actually quite an accessible spot. When we get to that, we will be able to watch the blossom of the tree we planted years ago. Remember how much fun we had while planting? Our teacher said the bloom is going to be fantastic, because of the weather this year. I can't wait! You also mentioned that you always wanted to see the road from my home to that tree, well, that's excellent! Both the train and the bus are going through towns and villages, so we will definitely enjoy the adventure.
Write back soon!
Lots of love,
(твое имя)
2. When was his mom ironing?
3. When was it raining hard?
4. Who was listening to music at two in the morning?
5. Where was Jack playing football when his brother called him?