Составить диалог на языке. типо я хочу купить билет в кино. 10 реплик с каждой стороны. например 1 человек 2 человек 1 человек 2 человек и т.д. в итоге 20 реплик заранее
Martin: Do you want some popcorn, Lucy?Мартин: Хочешь попкорн, Люси? Lucy: Yes, I love popcorn at the cinema.Люси: Да, я люблю есть попкорн в кино. Martin: Salted or sweet?Мартин: Соленный или сладкий? Lucy: Salted, please.Люси: Соленный Мартин: Вот, бери. Хочешь что-нибудь выпить? Lucy: I'll have a regular Coke.Люси: Я буду обычную Колу. Martin: Ok. One Coke and one Sprtite, please.Мартин: Ок. Одну Колу и один Спрайт Люси: Готов идти. Martin: Yes, which way is "Midnight in Paris"Мартин: Да, а в какой стороне показывают "Полночь в Париже"? Lucy: It's this way, Martin. Follow me.Люси: В этой стороне, Мартин. Следуй за мной
3) 1.at-неправильно(at используется говоря о времени на часах at 6 am)ON 2. OF 4. good in распространенная ошибка из-за буквального перевода предлога с русского. Правильное выражение GOOD AT smth. 4) 1These are desks 2they work as teachers 3those are big houses 4girls are playing in the yard now (без the) 5) 5In the evening we watch TV and listen radio 6this is the biggest English-Russian dictionary 7we can read in English 6) 2the captain does not know English very well 7) 3do we live in Kaliningrad?23) sail+ing = sailing 24) have has 25) work works 12) he is she is whey are you are I am
1. Does he go to school? Where does he go? Who goes to school? Does he go school or to the kindergarten? He goes to schoo, doesn't he?
2. Are they reading now? What are they doing now? Who is reading now? Are they reading or writing now? They are reading now, aren't they?
3. Has she done her homework? What has she done? Who has done her homework? Has she done her homework or her presentation? She has done her homework, hasn't she?
4. Have they been doing sport? What have they been doing? Who has been doing sport? Have they been doing sport or homework? They have been doing sport, haven't they?