Britain has recent by been described as a “leisure society.” This is because there are a great variety of leisure pursuits. Young people generally go out on Friday or Saturday nights to a disco, to a concert or to a pub. In recent years going out for a meal or getting a take-away meal have become popular too. During the past years there is a great increase in keeping fit and staying healthy. A lot of teens started running, jogging and going to different fitness clubs in their spare time. Aerobics classes and fitness clubs opened in every town, and the number of recreation centres greatly increased. Indoor pools, with their wave-making machines, water slides and tropical vegetation, have became very popular.
The same is true in Russia. A lot of teens go in for different kinds of sport. Sport helps them to feel as fit as a fiddle. In both countries there are special programmes for problem teenagers, such as a high-risk activities, for example they are taught to jump out of aeroplanes. But despite the increase in the number of teens participating in sport, the majority of young people still prefer to be spectators. They prefer to be couch potatoes. Watching sports on TV is a popular leisure activity, as is going to football matches on Saturday. Cinemas have been redesigned with four or more screens, each showing a different film at the same time, and a lot of teens like going to the cinemas too.
The young generation is fond of communication. There are many available methods of communication nowadays, and the most popular one is computers. A lot of teenagers spend plenty of time working on computers. The Internet seems really good fun. You may send e-mails to friends from different countries and get their answers instantly. You even may talk to them. It is easy and quick. A lot of teenagers have mobile telephones, so they can always be contacted, if they keep their telephone switched on, at any time of the day or night, or tend text messages.
Weather is the most common topic for a small talk. If you barely know a person, talking about weather can fill in the pauses in your conversation when you both think of what to say next.
When the sky is clear and the sun is shining, we enjoy the warm and sunny day. If the wind is calm, you can go for a walk. If it is windy, you can launch a kite or ride a sailboat. This kind of weather is usual for late spring and summer. For example, we can say that it is abnormally hot or, on the contrary, we can say that the last time it was so cold in the summer of 1975. In some European regions, like Netherlands and Ireland, there are not many dry days. They say: “How to know if it is summer? The rain is warm.”
In Autumn, the weather changes from sunny and pleasant to cold, windy, and rainy very often. There is an old saying that “it rains cats and dogs”, but English people have not actually used it for a long time. You never can tell if the next day is going to be fine or misty, will the streets bask in the sunlight or be covered in haze.
The winter weather depends on the region. In Great Britain, there are four winter month, starting from November. Winter may be harsh or mild. The amount of snow is different from year to year. The sky is covered with clouds.
The beginning of spring is usually muddy, and wet, as the snow melts and rivers begin to flow strongly. Sometimes, it may result in a flood. Then nature wakes up from sleep and everyone is happy and optimistic. The weather is still very random - snow, rain, and sun may change every day, but it becomes warmer with time.
Можно лучший ответ?
2. Her sister was the only person who supported her.
3. The treasure is said to be have been discovered in the desert.
4. "If you would like you could take up weightlifiting." his trainer told him.
5. Stanley used to have a jos at a very exclusive hotel.
6. Fred would prefer not to organise this year's office party.
7. My parents didn't let me go out at the weekend.
8. Spaghetti Bolognese was my most liked dish at Tony's restaurant.
9. My parents gave me a permission to stay out late tonight.
10. What kind of reputation does this restuarant have?