Подскажите, , идею. на язык нужен проект, дом парикмахера + текст, на , соответственно, с описанием этого самого дома. я со всем справляюсь, но идей как сделать сам дом (в небольшой коробке) с явными намёками на то, что это дом парикмахера, нет.
Можно на стенах приеклеить или нарисовать девушку в длинными волосами, вырезать из картона ножницы, шампуни, фены и приклеить на стол. На этот же стол положить брошюру салона с телефонами. А в спальне на стене сделать что-то вроде графити - название профессии, мотивационные слоганы.
Tea is the most popular drink in azerbaijan, that’s why it’s not surprising that the country is regularly ranked among the leading countries in terms of the tea consumption. nariman agayev, chairman of the sustainable development research centre emphasizes that tea takes the first place among drinks in azerbaijan. “an azerbaijani family of four people consume about 500gr of tea monthly and about 6-8kg in a year. annually the country uses 8 million tons of tea," the expert told local media. in central asia, for example, people prefer to drink green tea, while in azerbaijan black tea enjoys wide popularity. agayev believes that this is a matter of habit, which azerbaijanis have defined over 100 years. the temperature also play plays a big role, according to the expert.
Ihave created a new sandwich. the main ingredients are an avocado, a cream sauce, lettuce and/or red fish. firstly, you should wash all the vegetables and clear the avocado. take out of the fridge toastes. you can either dry them or not. wrap the fish in lettuce and put between two slices of bread. don't forget to add some cream sauce in it! it looks very delicious and tasty! this is also appropriate for the vegetarians. such a sandwich tastes amazing in combination with tomato's or citrus's juice.