1. Have you collected all the apples from the tree?
2. We`ve built a new playground for you.
3. I`ve fixed your phone without any knowledge.
4. Have you planted that new flower our grandmother gave us?
5. They`ve filled the water bucket, just as you asked.
6. I`ve managed a company once, but it was a long time ago.
7. An extra product has been added to stock, can you guess which one?
8. We couldn`t open that gate back in the 2000, but now i`m sure we can
9. This tool has been used for almost a century now.
10. We`ve built this fence with your father.
Today, pizzas' are enjoyed (enjoy) all over the world, but this
popular food
was invented long ago. In 1522,
were brought from Peru to Europe.
In Italy, the tomatoes
were put on bread
That's how the first pizza
was made.
A pizza restaurant
was opened in Naples in 1738
Soon, pizzos were popular all over Italy.
From 1850 to 1900, thousands of Italians went to live in the USA and they took the recipe
for pizza with them. Now in the USA, more than three billion pizzas are sold
every year! Imagine how many pizzas
are eaten in the whole world!