2.art 1. let's talk about art. what atr do you enjoy most? when i hear the “art“ , i imagine something beautiful, unusual, inspiring and thought provoking. где найти этот текст и перевести
1. let's talk about art. what art do you like the most? why? 2. can our country will be proud of our creative people? why? 3. what questions do you ask a british teenager on the latest trends in british art? 4. give me some tips on what to visit the exhibition (play / film to watch.) 5.mnogie people do not understand modern art. do you? number 2 1. let's talk about art. what type of art do you like the most? why? 2. are belarusian artists, composers and musicians, well known in the world? 3. ask a few questions about the theater i've seen in recent times. 4. give me some tips on how to use creative skills in everyday life. 5. you want to see more graffiti around the city? why (not)? № 3 1. let's talk about art. our country is known around the world for its artists, composers, etc. how can you prove it? 2. you are a good painting, dancing or singing? 3. i love painting. ask me some questions about the exhibition i visited recently. 4. my niece is very good at drawing. can you give her advice on what career to choose? 5. are you proud of any photos you take? what makes a good photograph?
The nature and the person are closely connected. And if the nature can exist without person, then the person without it can't. Therefore it is so important to live in harmony with the nature. But, unfortunately, people try to subordinate to themselves the nature, to become her owner, but so it is impossible. The nature needs to be protected, it is our house. Necessary for life the nature gives all to us. If was considered earlier, the natural riches which aren't settled that they in large quantities, then now it becomes clear what is in limited quantity much. The person can't use gifts of the nature constantly as they can disappear soon. A task of the person to preserve the nature and to increase her riches. It is necessary to approach the matter as we are obliged to leave behind to the descendants the rich, beautiful, and pure planet responsibly.
друзей много – шире дорога. где нет дружбы, там нет успеха. дерево крепко корнями, человек – друзьями. малую беду еда подавляет, большую – друг. цену куска хлеба в голод узнаешь, цену настоящей дружбы азбука — к мудрости ступенька. век живи — век учись без муки нет науки.книга — книгой, а своим умом двигай чтенье — лучшее ученье человек без родины – что соловей без песни.родина - мать, умей за нее постоять. своя земля и в горсти мила.на родной стороне и камешек знаком. лупа та птица, которой свое гнездо не мило.