Вставьте "there is", "there are", "is there","are there". any chairs in the room? any tilgers in africa? bank near here? lots of hotels in big cities. yard near my house.
The city was founded in 1221 by prince yuri ii of vladimir. in 1612 kuzma minin and prince dmitry pozharsky organized an army for the liberation of moscow from the poles. in 1817 nizhny novgorod became a great trade center of the russian empire. in 1896 at a fair, an all-russia exhibition was organized. during the soviet period, the city turned into an important industrial center. in particular, the gorky automobile plant was constructed in this period. then the city was given the nickname "russian detroit". during world war ii, gorky became the biggest provider of military equipment to the front. due to this, the luftwaffe constantly bombed the cityfrom the air. the majority of the german bombs fell in the area of the gorky automobile plant. although almost all the production sites of the plant were completely destroyed, the citizens of gorky reconstructed the factory after 100 days.
i would like to tell you a little bit about the famous statue of pushkin in the center of moscow. it is one of my favourite sculptures in the city, as it‘s dedicated to the brilliant russian poet and writer – alexander sergeevich pushkin. it was set up at pushkinskaya square on june 6th, 1880 to commemorate the writer’s birthday. in 1950 it was moved to the opposite side of the square, where it rests until present days. the monument is made of bronze and is about 11 meters tall. the poet is wearing a frock and a long coat over it. he is captured in thoughtful mood. it seems that he is working on another large composition. there are four cast-iron lanterns in the corners of the monument. the base is decorated with lines from his poem, called “monument”. the surrounding square is also charming. it’s like a small oasis in the middle of busy moscow. right in front of the statue there is a beautiful fountain and a number of flowerbeds. i like visiting this place, especially in summer. the breeze from the fountain cools down the air and it feels good to sit on one of the little benches in vicinity. it helps me to relax and forget about the time. я хотел бы рассказать вам немного о знаменитой статуе пушкина в центре москвы. это одна из моих любимых скульптур в городе, так как она посвящена гениальному поэту и писателю – александру сергеевичу пушкину. она была возведена на пушкинской площади 6 июня 1880 года в честь дня рождения писателя. в 1950 году ее переместили на противоположную сторону площади, где она стоит и по сей день. памятник выполнен из бронзы и составляет около 11 метров в высоту. поэт одет в сюртук, поверх которого длинный плащ. он запечатлен в раздумье. кажется, что он работает над своим очередным крупным произведением. по углам от памятника расположены четыре чугунных фонаря. основание украшено строкой из его стихотворения под названием «памятник». окрестная площадь не менее очаровательна. это как маленький оазис посередине оживленной москвы. прямо перед статуей расположился красивый фонтан и многочисленные клумбы. мне нравится бывать здесь, особенно летом. легкий бриз от фонтана охлаждает воздух и хочется присесть на одну из маленьких скамеек поблизости. это мне расслабиться и забыть о времени.
2) Are there
3) Is there
4) There are
5) There is