1. was watching 2. went 3. finished 4. was playing 5. was washing 6. met 7. came, was playing 8. met, was going 9. were playing 10. was cleaning 11. went 12. opened, were sitting 13. got 14. was reading 15. was drinking 16. Did you spend 17. came, was already waiting 18. came, were listening, were eating, were drinking 19. was getting, met 20. wrote 21. looked, smiled 22. swept 23. was sweeping 24. were working 25. Did you go 26. didn’t see 27. opened, were sitting 28. were discussing 29. was reading, found 30. was cooking 31. was sleeping
Мою подругу зовут Настя. Мы с ней очень хорошо дружим. Она высокая, умная, красивая. У неё светлые и длинные волосы. У Насти зелёлые глаза. Она стройная и занимается танцами. У неё французкая внешность ведь она стройная и у неё нос чуть вздёрнут и она очень добрая. Ей (число) лет.
My friend's name is Nastya. We with her very good friends. She's tall, smart, beautiful. She has blond and long hair. Nastia seelye eyes. She is slim and dancing. She looks French because she was thin and her nose slightly upturned and she is very kind. She's (число) years.
Are there some cups and plates in the cupboard?