i want read book in eanglish in this year.
i want to succend in learning eanglish this year.
i want to participate in the eanglish laguage olympiads this year.
чееел, вот
1. since (Идет дождь с пятницы.)
2. at (Я не видел тебя дома.)
3. from – in (Откуда ты родом? – Россия. Но живу я в Германии.)
4. for – in (Подожди меня. Я вернусь через час.)
5. to – by (Мы часто ездим в Сочи на поезде.)
6. for (Люси работает официанткой в течение 4 лет.)
7. until (Он не мог заснуть до трех утра.)
8. after (Ее назвали в честь бабушки?)
9. in (Они интересуются философией.)
10. of (Я не люблю кошек.)
11. at (Тебе надо повернуть налево на углу.)
12. At – on (В 10 часов Бен разговаривал по телефону.)
13. at (Они все еще на работе.)
14. to (Он никогда не ходит в кино.)
15. of – by (Портрет моей матери был написан известным художником.)
ответ: 1.There is a desk but there isn't a dining table in the classroom.
2.There is a bookshelves but there isn't a cupboards in the living room.
3.There is a chair but there isn't an armchair in the kitchen.
4.There are some pictures but there aren't any posters in the bedroom.
5.There is a rug but there isn't a carpet in the hallway.
6.There are some books but there aren't any magazines in the living room.
7.There is a TV but there isn't a computer in the living room.
8.There are some vases but there aren't any mirrors in the living room.
помещения,в конце предложений можно изменить,на те,что проходили по своей программе
1) i want to read a book in english this year.
2) i want to succeed in learning english this year.
3) i want to participate in the english language competitions this year.