Change the sentences from affirmative to negative. пример: ann talked to the teacher after lesson. ann didn't talk to the teacher after lesson. 1)bob and jack left before seven o'clock.
Junk food is exactly what it says it is – junk. It is a term used to describe food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar, salt, and calories. Unfortunately, recently junk food has become a huge passion for a large number of people in the entire world. Millions of adults and children feel they cannot live without hamburgers and chips, so they are definitely addicted to them. Today teenagers have other visions and ideas about life, which are completely wrong, in my opinion. They use to think that everyting is bad for their health is cool, and they are nobodies if they don’t try it. Because of these ideas young people start to drink, smoke, and eat at all kinds of McDonalds and other cheap but popular places. They refuse eating homemade, healthy food because it seems uncool to them, and they would rather say their friends that they ate some greasy fries, than a delicious homemade soup. At the same time, eating junk food every day leads to serious negative consequences. They won’t only add kilograms, it will destroy their liver and stomach as well. To sum up, I would say that I am also a teenager, I like junk food but I don’t permit myself eating it too frequent as I know what consequences it may have. I would rather have a nice body and a good health than eat all kind of junk, thinking that in this way I will be cool.
Наша семья очень разнообразна. Моя мама лучшая в мире кулинарии, она мастер приготовления блюд. Мой папа очень спортивный человек. Его хобби это настольный теннис. Каждый вечер папа играет в настольный теннис с моим старшим братом. Но мой старший брат имеет много увлечений: и футбол, и баскетбол, и хоккей. Моя бабушка любит тихим вечером посидеть и повязать крючком. Благадоря ей у меня уже три шапки и шарф. А я ещё тот шутник моё увлечение это писать комиксы. Каждый вечер моя большая семья слушает мои маленькие сочинения. ВОт какая у меня интересная семья и в ней люди с интересными увлечениями.