Сложное ,мы плохо знаем .victoria was the queen of england его надо поставить в вопросительные формы: общая.альтернативная,специальная,разделительная,вопрос к подлежащему. последние 10 ; (
1)Was Victoria the Queen of England? 2)Was Victoria the Queen of England or France? 3)What country’s Queen was Victoria? 4)Victoria was the Queen of England, wasn’t she? 5)Who was the Queen of England?
1 a) Does he often (wake) ut at 6 o'clock in the morning? b) Is he ( waking) up now? c) Did he ( wake) up at 9 o'clock yesterday morning? d) Will he ( wake) up early tomorrow? 2. a) Who ( swims) in the river every summer? b) Who ( is swimming) in the river now? c) Who (swam) in the river last summer? d) Who (will swim) in the river next week? 3. a) With whom do they usually ( go) for a walk in the forest? b) With whom are they ( going) for a walk in the forest now? c) With whom did they ( go) for a walk in the forest the day before yesterday? d) With whom will they ( go) for a walk in the forest tomorrow afternoon?
ekaterinburg is a major city in the central part of Russia, the administrative center of Sverdlovsk Oblast. Situated on the eastern side of the Ural mountain range, it is the main industrial and cultural center of the Urals Federal District. Its population of 1,293,537 (2002 Census), which is down from 1,364,621 recorded in the 1989 Census, makes it Russia's fifth largest city. Between 1924 and 1991, the city was known as Sverdlovsk (Свердло́вск), after the Bolshevik leader Yakov Sverdlov. Екатеринбург является крупным городом в центральной части России, административный центр Свердловской области. Расположенный на восточной стороне Уральских гор, оно является главным промышленным и культурным центром Уральского федерального округа. Является население 1293537 (переписи 2002 года), что по сравнению с 1,364, 621 записано в переписи 1989 года, делает его пятым по величине городом России. Между 1924 и 1991, город был известен как Свердловске (Свердловск), после большевистского лидера Якова Свердлова!
2)Was Victoria the Queen of England or France?
3)What country’s Queen was Victoria?
4)Victoria was the Queen of England, wasn’t she?
5)Who was the Queen of England?