When I was in school were asked to write an essay about my favorite time of year, I hesitated briefly . Yes, I like the golden autumn , snowy winter . I also love the spring when the trees are in bloom . But my most favorite time of year - it's summer ! I especially like the arrival of summer . This is the time when the heat and humidity have not yet dominate towns and villages . There are a lot of colors. And even white " svechechki " still shines on chestnuts . Evenings warm, but a fresh breeze blowing . Do not sit at home , I want to walk around , have fun . And people around also feel something like : all festive and upbeat mood . During summer vacation , you can enjoy plenty of life : travel, swim at the beach , playing football , basketball or badminton , cycling . Have plenty of time to read books that want, and not just on the school curriculum . There are now free to sit at the computer, but it should not get involved . After all, the courtyard stands a lovely time of year , there is not a moment to lose ! Of course, summer is often hot and humid , especially in the big dusty city . But I did not want to exchange this heat to the cold of winter ! You would not want to get into a sheepskin coat and boots ! I like summer , not only because I have a rest in the summer on vacation. At this time , the nature is so generous with gifts of vegetables, fruits and berries. First arrive in time cherry . Then ripe dark sweet cherries , and more ... Krasnobokie apples , grapes, plums ... However, I love summer for the fact that, among other times of the year it is the most generous to us !
Mikhail Lermontov was born in 1814. Relationship between his parents did not exist, and raising little Misha worked his grandmother - Elizabeth A. Arsenyev. Lermontov graduated from boarding school at Moscow University and the University of Moscow itself. Lermontov left out in the School Guard Ensigns and cavalry cadets. After graduation, he became an officer in the Life Guards Hussars. In 1837, was killed in a duel.
Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов родился в 1814 году. Отношения между его родителями не сложились, и воспитанием маленького Миши занималась его бабушка — Елизавета Алексеевна Арсеньева. Лермонтов окончил благородный пансион при Московском университете и сам Московский университет. Оттуда Лермонтов ушёл в Школу гвардейских подпрапорщиков и кавалерийских юнкеров. После её окончания он стал офицером лейб-гвардии гусарского полка. В 1837 году на дуэли погиб.
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