The October 1917 revolution in Russia the Causes of the October revolution of 1917: war weariness; industry and agriculture of the country was on the verge of collapse; the catastrophic financial crisis; the unresolved agrarian question and the impoverishment of the peasants; the delay of socio-economic reforms; the contradiction of dual Power became a prerequisite for regime change. 3 Jul 1917 in Petrograd started riots demanding the overthrow of the Provisional government. The counter-revolutionary part of the decree of the government to suppress peaceful demonstrations had used weapons. The arrests began, restored the death penalty. The dual power ended with the victory of the bourgeoisie. The events of July 3-5 showed that the bourgeois Provisional government does not intend to comply with the requirements of the workers, and the Bolsheviks became clear that a peaceful way to take power anymore. At the VI Congress of the RSDLP(b), which took place from 26 July to 3 August 1917, the party took the reference to a socialist revolution through armed uprising. At the August State conference in Moscow the bourgeoisie had intended to declare a L. G. Kornilov as a military dictator and to use the occasion to overclocking Tips. But revolutionary speech disrupted the plans of the bourgeoisie. Then on 23 August Kornilov moved troops on Petrograd. The Bolsheviks, spending most propaganda work among the masses of workers and soldiers, explained the meaning of the conspiracy and created revolutionary centres to combat kornilovskoe. The rebellion was suppressed, and the people finally realized that the Bolshevik party is the only party that defends the interests of workers. On 24 September, the Bolsheviks won 51% of the vote in the district Council. The bourgeois parties and the Interim government was suffering a deep crisis, without any support in the masses. In mid-September, Lenin had developed a plan for an armed uprising and the way of its implementation. The main aim of the October revolution was the conquest of power by the Soviets. October 12 was created the Military revolutionary Committee (MRC) is a training centre of the armed uprising. Zinoviev and Kamenev, the opponents of the socialist revolution, given the timing of the uprising the Provisional government. The uprising began on the night of 24 October for the opening day of the II Congress of Soviets. The government was immediately able to isolate him from certain parts of the armed. October 25, VI Lenin arrived at the Smolny and personally led the uprising in Petrograd. During the October revolution was captured the most important objects such as bridges, Telegraph, government agencies. On the morning of October 25, 1917 the military revolutionary Committee announced the overthrow of the Provisional government and transfer of power to the Petrograd Soviet of workers 'and soldiers' deputies. October 26, captured the Winter Palace and arrested members of the Provisional government. The October revolution in Russia was accomplished with the full support of the masses. The Alliance of the working class and the peasantry, the transition of armed military on the side of the revolution, the weakness of the bourgeoisie determined the outcome of the October revolution of 1917. On 25 and 26 October 1917, passed the II all-Russian Congress of Soviets, which were elected all-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTSIK) and formed the first Soviet government - the Council of people's Commissars (SNK). Chairman of the CPC, was elected as V. I. Lenin. He put forth two decrees: "Decree on peace", which called on the warring countries to cease hostilities, and the "Decree on land", which expresses the interests of the peasants. Adopted the Decrees contributed to the victory of Soviet power in the regions of the country. November 3, 1917 with the capture of the Kremlin, the Soviet power won in Moscow. Further, the Soviet power was proclaimed in Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Crimea, Northern Caucasus, in Central Asia. The revolutionary struggle in the Caucasus was delayed until the end of the civil war (1920-1921), which was a consequence of the October revolution of 1917. The great October socialist revolution split the world into two camps - capitalist and socialist. вот
1. Nick said he would be waiting for me at the corner of the street. I hurried to the place and reached ___ it on time, but to my great surprise I didn’t find him there. I couldn't believe ___ my eyes because I knew that he always kept his promise. The street was crowded, so I thought perhaps he was standing somewhere at a quiet corner. 1 looked around, but couldn’t see him anywhere, so I went ___ home, thinking that something unexpected had happened to him. 2. 1 was seriously ill, but now I’m getting better and better every day. I’m very grateful to the doctors for all they’ve done for me. 3. Someone’s knocking at the door. Please go and ask him in. I’m still so weak that I can’t do it myself yet. 4. I am ___ five years younger than my husband. 5. On our way to the Far East, we passed ___ many Siberian towns and villages. 6. He entered ___ the room and greeted everybody. 7. A lot of people passed by a small picture painted by the young artist without stopping to look at it. 8. Jim owes ten shillings to Bob and five to Nick. 9. How much do I owe ___ you for this coat? 10. No wonder Petrov has made much progress in his English. 11. It’s a pity nobody has warned him against smoking so much. 12. The signal warned the partisans about the coming danger. 13. In 1941 our country was attacked by fascist Germany without any warning. 14. If you’re interested in this subject, come to listen to Comrade Klimov’s talk at the week-end. I’m sure he’ll give a lot of new facts. 15. The lecture was followed by an entertainment, which everybody enjoyed. 16. You should follow our advice and stop worrying about your nephew. The doctor who had operated on him said that he hadn’t felt any pain, and would be getting better soon. 17. I wonder how the boy could climb up that tall tree. I’m afraid we’ll have to help him to climb down if we don’t want him to fall.
1. Peter is the highest boy in the class. 2. My flat is less comfortable. 3. In winter the days are shorter, than in the summer, aren`t they? 4. What is the shortest month of the year? 5. Your daughter is older than mine. My daughter's only six and yours is seven, isn`t she? 6. This is a very important question, let's discuss it tomorrow, is it okay? 7. It was only nine o'clock, but when we got to the river, my brother had already been in the boat and waited for us. 8. «You are looking now at the tallest building in Moscow»,- said the teacher to the children. 9. The new flat of my sister is more comfortable and lighter than the old one.10. Moscow streets are more beautiful now than they were a few years ago. Are you younger than your sister? - No. I am not. 12. Could you show me the way to the Red square? – You are welcome. You can go there by subway. It will take not more than 20 minutes. 13. You say that that book is difficult for you. Take this one. It is easier. 14. Anna is the best student in the class.
VII. ,1. Though the watch was very expensive, he decided to buy it for her. 2. Please buy me some bread and sugar, will you? 3. 1 wonder whether the old man will sell all his pictures in the museum. 4. The man didn’t sell his pictures to the museum, he just gave them away without taking any money from them. 5. Though the shoes were her size and felt very comfortable, old Sally decided not to buy them because she thought they were too dear for her. “I can’t pay so much for a pair of shoes”, she said to the shop-assistant. 6. Won’t you have another look at these shoes?1 think it’s just the pair for you. 7. He looked through all the telegrams quickly, gave them to the secretary to send off and also asked her to ring Mr Brown and tell him that he could come in 10 if the time was suitable for him. 8. “Would you like to buy any of these watches?’ "No, I’m just looking narrowly” 9. “Excuse me, how do I get to the bookshop?" “It’s turn there the right”. 10. Will you please ask that man what time it is on his watch? I’m afraid mine is five or six minutes slow.