I am 15year old girl and I have very strict parents.They don*t like it when I go out to meet my friends.They know very well that I am a responsible child but they are always so overprotective.I love them but they kill my social life.I never have freedom.I always have to be there when they call me.I let my friends down.I don*t go to their birthday parties or to the cinema.I*m also afraid of losing them,I feel depressed and stupid over it.I can*t wait until I*m 18nto do what I want to.Please help.
What*s Ann*s problem?-She has strict parents.
What should Ann do?-She should wait for her 18th birthday.She should to her parents about her social life.
1. On Monday Dima visited the Tower of London and spent the whole day there. He took lots of photos.-В понедельник Дима побывал в лондонском Тауэре и провел там целый день. Он сделал много фотографий.
2. On Tuesday Dima went to Buckingham Palace. He saw the Changing of the Guard.-Во вторник Дима отправился в Букингемский дворец. Он видел смену караула.
3. Wednesday Dime spent in Greenwich. He visited the home of the "Prime Meridian", fantastic place!-Среду Dime провел в Гринвиче. Он посетил дом нулевого меридиана, фантастическое место!
4. On Thursday Dima went to the British Museum. He bought a special souvenir for his friend there.-В четверг Дима отправился в Британский музей. Он купил специальный сувенир для своего друга там.
5. On Friday he is going to see the London Eye. - В пятницу он собирается увидеть лондонское колесо обозрения.