Объяснение:I was 22 when my brain generated what seemed like a great idea-I want to work in a shelter! Then I was studying in absentia to become a teacher-psychologist at the university, to which I was brought by a difficult (I really got there by chance, because at that time I was lost in myself, and not only in life). There was no permanent job, but there was a lot of free time from session to session, and I — young and naive-dreamed of being useful to society. Since the shelter building was a five-minute walk from my house, I rushed there right away.
In the personnel department, I was met by Tatyana Ivanovna — a fat lady in her fifties with perhydryl hair, glasses and fuchsia lipstick, and told me that, yes, they have a vacancy for the position of a social teacher (in this institution, the social teacher served as an educator). I shone with happiness, as if I had won a million. Or even a billion. The director was not there, so I was asked to wait for him in the lobby. I looked with interest at the photos from the stands where mimic children in costumes at the New Year's matinee dance around the Christmas tree, swim in life jackets at the sea, surrounded by toys decorously sculpt from plasticine / draw and in warm jackets, hats and mittens sculpt a snow woman. I sat and thought-here it is my ide, here it is-the fish of my dreams! In my fantasies, I, already forty years old, was sitting in a large leather chair in the office, on the door of which there was a shiny sign "DIRECTOR", surrounded by a bunch of pretty, clean children, and the elderly Tatyana Ivanovna, with the same glasses and fuchsia lipstick, was serving me herbal tea in a porcelain cup...
!! Are you here to see me? A pleasant male voice snapped me out of my sleepy reverie. It was him — Andrey Sergeyevich, the director of the social rehabilitation center for minors (hereinafter referred to simply as the shelter), a young man in a strict dark blue suit and with a charming smile.
Корм? Нет-нет! Лучше купите в аптеке пеленки, у нас малышей сейчас много, – попросила по телефону основательница "Сириуса" Александра Мезинова, узнав, что репортеры УП едут в гости.
"Сириус" – крупнейший приют для бездомных животных в Украине. Расположен в 75 километрах от Киева, на въезде в село Федоровка.
Территория в четыре гектара, тысяча вольеров, больше 2 600 собак и 300 кошек – эти цифры впечатляют. Но не передают масштабов добрых дел, которыми занимается Мезинова, волонтеры, спонсоры и все неравнодушные.
sixteen thirty-five
eighteen forty
nineteen ninety-one
twenty oh eight
twenty twelve
twenty seventeeb