Last year I finished a math course that was delivered by a university professor. This course was of great importance to me as I decided to enter the university next year. To become a university student I have to take a math exam, so I needed some practice in solving mathematical puzzles. That's why I was happy to attend this course, because I received not only lots of additional information about tasks that are expected to be in the examination but also learned how to do sums during lectures, that I am confident is going to be of great assistance to me in the real exam. The professor checked all our results personally and it appeared that I was even better at math than I had considered myself to be.
Not so long ago I went to Saint Petersburg with my parents. My father went there on business, but he decided to take my mum and me with him. So I saw this beautiful city with its impressive buildings and palaces and picturesque canals and bridges. I had always wanted to see the grand drawbridges over the Neva River and at last I saw some of them! I think one of the most beautiful bridges in Saint Petersburg is Palace Bridge. And the best moment to see it is at sunset when the bridge opens.
Не так давно я ездил в Санкт-Петербург с родителями. Мой отец отправился туда по делам, но он решил взять с собой маму и меня. Так что я увидел этот красивый город с его впечатляющими зданиями, дворцами, живописными каналами и мостами. Я всегда хотел увидеть великолепные разводные мосты через Неву, и наконец я увидел некоторые из них! Я думаю, что один из самых красивых мостов в Санкт-Петербурге — Дворцовый мост. И лучший момент, чтобы полюбоваться им — на закате, когда мост разводят.