One autumn afternoon, my mother asked me to go to the store and buy some vegetables. I gladly agreed. The weather was warm, I liked the walk. On the way to the store, I noticed a man who made his way into the house across the street through the window. I called the police. A few minutes later I saw a police car and two policemen entered the house. Soon the policemen left the house and approached me. I felt excited and proud of myself. But the police looked angry and accused me of wasting police time. It turned out that the man had lost his keys and was forced to enter the house through the window. I felt so bad. I apologized to the police and the man for my stupidity.
1. Kobzar is the name of Shevchenko's first small collection of poems .
2. He wrote a ballad The Bewitched » , a completely realistic work about things that were quite usual for those days .
3. It was a tragic story of fa serf girl who had been seduced .
4. In his poems he wrote of his love for of homeland and the fight for its freedom and happiness , of hatred to any oppression , of the fight for spiritual freedom .
5. His poetry contributed greatly to the evolution of the national Ukrainian consciousness that's why he is a national poet, a poet of the people.
6. He wrote of the fi fight for spiritual freedom .
7. T. Shevchenko brought completely new themes and images to the Ukrainian literature.
2) She hasn't returned from the country YET.
3) We've ALREADY had our dinner.
4) They haven't received her letter YET.
5) The storm has ALREADY passed.
6) The actors have ALREADY performed this play.
7) We haven't been to St. Petersburg YET.
8) He has ALREADY passed the examination.