The bicycle has a history that goes back about 600 years and is quite different than the bike as we know today.The first bike was invented in 1418, an Italian engineer, Giovanni Fontana.He constructed a human-powered deviceconsisting of four wheels and a loop of rope connected by gears, according to the International Bicycle Fund (IBF).In 1813, about 400 years after Fontana built his wheeled contraption, a German aristocrat and inventor named Karl von Drais began work on his own version of a Laufmaschine (running machine), a four-wheeled, human-powered vehicle. Then in 1817, Drais debuted a two-wheeled vehicle, known by many names throughout Europe, including Draisienne, dandy horse and hobby horse.
I really like playing and watching sports games. My favorite game to watch is hockey, I believe it is a very extreme and dangerous game. I was in real ice hockey once, and it was interesting to watch the game in real life, not on TV. However, I like to play volleyball. I participate in the volleyball games with different cities, I started to play volleyball since I was 6 years old. My friends and I love gathering during the weekends and holidays to play, we enjoy it.
I do not like cooking, I think it is hard. Every time when I want to cook something I search for the receipt but every time it turns to a messy kitchen and not prepared meal.
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Мне очень нравится играть и смотреть спортивные игры. Мой любимый спорт для просмотра это хоккей. Я считаю что это очень экстремальнная и опасная игра. Я был на настоящем хоккее на льду один раз, и это было очень интересно смотреть на игру в живую, а не только на ТВ. Но я люблю играть в воллейбол. Я принимаю участия в разных играх с разными городами. Я начал играть в волейбол с 6 лет. Мои друзья и я любим встречаться во время выходных и каникул для игр, мы наслаждаемся этим.
Мне не нравиться готовить, я считаю что это сложно. Каждый раз когда я хочу приготовить что-то, я ищу рецепт, но скаждым разом это оборачивается в грязную кухню и не приготовленным блюдом.
The land of Russia varies very much from forests to deserts, from high mountains to deep valleys. The main mountain are the Urals, the Caucasus and the Altai. There are a lot of great rivers and deep lakes on its territory. Also there are many animals in Russia.
To sum up, I can say that Russia is the most beautiful country in the world. I'm proud that I'm Russian.