1 Tom will (DO) that if you pay him to do it.
2 If he is absent, we shall (NOT HAVE) an English test.
3 If I (were) you, I would trust her.
4 If you don't start at once, you will (BE) late.
5 If today was Sunday, I would (GO) fishing.
6 If I (HAD) time, I would study French.
7 Will I get to the station if I (TAKE) this road?
8 If I were rich, I (WOULD GO) abroad.
9 It (WOULD BE) nice if it stopped raining.
10 If you were me, what WOULD you (DO)?
11 If you follow this street, you (WILL GET) to the station.
12 What WOULD (HAPPEN) if the Earth stopped turning?
13 Mary will get fired if she (DOES NOT DO) it.
14 Would it help if Tom (WENT) with you?
15 They (WOULD KILL) me if they found out.
16 The patient WILL (BE) grateful if you make a donation.
17 If you DO (NOT MOVE) immediately, you will be arrested.
18 If he (FINDS OUT), he will be very angry.
19 What WOULD Tom (SAY) if he was here?
20 If it (RAINS) tomorrow, the tour will be cancelled.
21 Tom will do it if no one (STOPS) him.
22 If dogs (COULD) talk, what would they say?
1)шаг, ступень, походка, in~ в ногу, шагать ступать
2) земля, суша, почва, страна, (перен.)царство, королевство, высаживать(-ся) (на берег), вытащить на берег (рыбу)
3) красный, алый, bright~ ярко-красный, R~Cross Красный Крест, рыжий (о воласах), румяный, пророзевший (о человеке), красный цвет, R~ Indian индеец, задолженности, долг
4) карандаш, писать или рисовать карандашом, делать предварительный заказ
5) кровать, постель, грядка, посадить, высадить, располагаться.
Значит лишнее слово будет
1 и 4