In modern society, more and more attention is paid to the conduct of a healthy lifestyle. Many people think about the dangers of smoking and try to get rid of this harmful habit. Some start, go in for sports, to be active and keep their health. I, too, are in favor of a healthy lifestyle and are trying to support it.
From an early age a person has to monitor his health, since even a slight harm, obtained during life, accumulates. And when a person grows old, all of his mistakes, committed in his youth, affect his health. Each of us wants to be healthy and does not want to be sick, but not everyone understands that health should be protected and then these people on the contrary start smoking, drinking and using drugs. The main thing is for these people to understand that it's necessary to give up bad habits for themselves.
Перевод вашего предложения: When I woke up early in the morning, I looked out the window and saw a beautiful sunrise.
Во-первых, вам нужно определить какое время применить к данному предложению. Сразу же натыкаемся на слово-маркер when, который указывает на Past Simple. Также мы видим, что в предложении показана некоторая последовательность действий с несущественным временным промежутком. Это также указывает на то, что мы должны использовать Past Simple при переводе.
Как только мы определили нужное время, мы должны посмотреть на схему построения предложения для Past Simple: Подлежащее + глагол во второй форме + второстепенные члены предложения.
1) When I (подлежащее) woke (глагол во второй форме) up early in the morning (второстепенные члены предложения). wake up/woke up - это фразовый глагол, которые обозначает "пробуждение".
2) I (подлежащее) looked (глагол во второй форме) out the window (вт.чл.) look out the window – "смотреть в окно", устойчивое сочетание.
3) and (Подлежащее I в этой части предложения уже есть) saw (глагол во второй форме) a beautiful sunrise (вт.чл.) a beautiful sunrise - "красивый рассвет".
1.There are many faculties at the University. There aren't many faculties at the University. Are there many faculties at the University?2. There were three pupils absent from the English lesson. There weren't three pupils absent from the English lesson. Were there three pupils absent from the English lesson?3. There will be a bus stop near our house. There won't be a bus stop near our house. Will there be a bus stop near our house?4. There is a beautiful picture on the wall. There isn't a beautiful picture on the wall.Is there a beautiful picture on the wall?5. There are fifteen pupils in our English group. There aren't fifteen pupils in our English group.Are there fifteen pupils in our English group?6. There are eight boys and seven girls among them.There aren't eight boys and seven girls among them.Are there eight boys and seven girls among them?
From an early age a person has to monitor his health, since even a slight harm, obtained during life, accumulates. And when a person grows old, all of his mistakes, committed in his youth, affect his health. Each of us wants to be healthy and does not want to be sick, but not everyone understands that health should be protected and then these people on the contrary start smoking, drinking and using drugs. The main thing is for these people to understand that it's necessary to give up bad habits for themselves.