1. A robot has been designed by a man. — Робот был разработан мужчиной. (Present Perfect) сказуемое: has been designed
2. A tree is left by birds. — Дерево покинуто птицами. (Past Simple) сказуемое: is left
3. Space will be searched by a robot. — Место будет найдено роботом. (Future simple) сказуемое: will be searched
4. A film was waited by fans. — Фильм ждали фанаты. (Past Simple) сказуемое: was waited
5. Cities were destroyed by war. — Города были разрушены войной. (Past Simple) сказуемое: were destroyed
6. People are led by soldiers. — Людьми руководят солдаты. (Present Simple) сказуемое: are led
7. A smell has been felt by child. — Запах почувствован ребёнком. (Present Prefect) сказуемое: has been felt
1 If you go hiking in the countryside, take rucksack so that you can carry your things in it.
2 Don’t worry about falling off the climbing wall – you’ll be wearing a safety harness .
3 I don’t really like kayaking because it’s dangerous and too noisy!
4 When you go for a long walk, the most important thing is to wear comfortable boots .
5 If you go out to sea on a boat, it’s a good idea to wear a life jacket .
6 When I’m walking on rocky ground, my poles stop me from falling over
Лишнее: jet-skiing,paddles
The book was writen before the writer left