1. If he came on time, this might not have happened.
2. It is a pity that you will be so busy in the evening and cannot help me.
3. What would you do if a building started a fire?
4. If not for his work, he would be able to become your guide in St. Petersburg with pleasure.
5. I do not like skiing, otherwise I am. perhaps the countryside would have traveled with you on such a wonderful winter day.
6. It is a pity that you then did not understand how wrong you were.
7. You won’t understand anything if you don’t listen to me carefully.
8. If I knew that you were at home last night, I would have rushed to you for a moment to chat and have a cup of tea.
9. If he had been even a little wiser, he would not have squandered his entire fortune by gambling.
10. I did not blame him. In his place, I would do the same.
1. He must know this.
2. He must know this.
3. He probably knows that.
4. He can easily find out.
5. He may know this.
6. He may know this, only I do not believe in it.
7. Does he really know that?
8. It cannot be that he knows this.
9. He should not know this, this is classified information.
10. He should not know this.
11. He could have found out about it himself.
12. He has to find out. about everything myself.
13. You do not need to know about this, I will figure it out myself.
14. He was soon to learn about it.
15. He must know this.
1. That man standing at the window is my uncle.
стоящий возле окна мужчина- мой дядя.
2. Mother became angry because she saw a smoked cigarette.
Мама злилась, когда видела зажжёную сигарету
3. Our home task is to make up sentences with the learnt words.
Наше домашнее задание состоит в том, чтобы составить предложения с выученными словами.
4. When visiting the museum we saw a lot of species of extinct animals.
Посещая музей , мы видели много видов вымерших животных.
5. Our teacher wanted us to discuss the read book.
Наш учитель хотел, чтобы мы обсудили прочитанную книгу.
6. On the table I found a written message for Jane.
На столе я нашёл записку, написанную для Джейн.
7. Speaking too loudly he drew our teacher’s attention.
Разговаривая слишком громко, он привлёк внимание нашего учителя.
8. The friends went out into the city leaving their cases at the left luggage department.
Друзья ушли в город, оставив свои чемоданы в камере хранения.
9. Writing and leaving a note with the porter, he said he would be back in a half-hour.
Написав и оставив записку у портье, он сказал, что вернётся через полчаса.
10. The children looked wonderingly at the elephant, never seen such a huge animal.
Дети с любопытсвом смотрели на слона, никогда не видев такого большого животного раньше.