1 When does the journey start?
2 Where is the museum situated ?
3 How can I get a membership card?
4 Do you provide a free delivery service?
5 How many exhibitions do you have?
6 Is it possible to buy tickets online?
7 How much does the ticket cost ?
8 What prices do you have for young people?
9 What is the size of the group?
10 Can I have a party in your cafe?
11 How can I get to the cafe by transport?
12 How many guests is it possible to invite?
13 Is there TV in hotel rooms?
14 How many visitors do you have per day?
15 What is the most popular bookshop?
Это довольно сложная тема.
Смотри, при преобразование прямой речи в косвенную, прямая речь преобразуется в время.
То есть, Present Simple (настоящее простое)→ на простое):
Present Continuous→Past Continuous
Past simple→Past Perfect
Present Perfect→Past Perfect
Past Perfect→Past Perfect
Past Continuous→ Past Perfect Continuous
(Future Simpe)Will→Would(Future -in-the past)
Must/have to→Must or had to
Ought to→Ought to
Present Perfect Continuous→Past Perfect Continuous
Например: ''I love you''- Nastya said ---- She said that she loved me( Prasent Simple на Past Simple)
Впереди всегда ставится To be( she, he,they,we...) said/told/ask
Told используется когда к кому-то обращаются. Например: She told me/us/them/her/him that she had called the day before.
Ask используется в вопросительных предложениях. Например: He ask,'' Did you study?'' преобразуется в He asked me if I had studyed.
При преобразовании вопроса в косвенную речь He/she/they asked me if ( формула) добавляется I had studyed( не как вопрос did you study?, мы должны преобразовать этот вопрос в утвердительное предложение, то есть did you study? ---- I studyed и уже его изменить на косвенное предложение I studyed( Past Simple) --- I had studyed( Past Perfect)
Не обязательно ставить везде that, так просто проще для понимания
Так же есть слова которые тоже изменяются и их нужно заучить,запомнить
Прямая речь Косвенная речь
today that day
now then/at the moment
yesterday the day before
... day/year/month ago ... day/year/month before
last week/day/year the week/day/year before
next week/day the following week/day
tomorrow the next/following day
here there
this that
these those
ago previously/before
tonight that night